1. A ND&PS ACT: Case FIR No. 219/18 has been registered at PS Theog on 04.11.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act on the rukka of ASI Chet Ram, I/C PP Deha (Theog) alleging therein that on 04.11.2018 at 09-50 PM, during patrolling alongwith staff one person namely Vinod Kumar S/o Sh. Gyani Ram R/o Village Bahaldhar, PO Dewat, Tehsil Chopal, District Shimla, age 38 years, intercepted by them & recovered 930 Gram Charas from his possession. The case is being investigated by ASI Chet Ram, I/O PP Deha (Theog).
2. AN EXCISE ACT: Case FIR No. 117/18 has been registered at PS Kumarsain on 04.11.18 U/S 39 HP Excise Act on the rukka of ASI Ajeet Singh, I/C PP Sainj, Kumarsain alleing threrein that on 04.11.2018 at about 05-20 PM, during patrolling alongwith staff at Sainj Nalah, one person namely Santosh Kumar S/o Sh. Jindu Ram R/o Village Bachhouri, PO Luhri, Tehsil Anni, District Kullu, age 40 years apprehended by them alongwith 12 Bottles of Country liquor. The case is being investigated by ASI Ajeet Singh, I/C PP Sainj (Kumarsain).
3. AN ACCIDENT: Case FIR No. 323/18 has been registered at PS West Shimla on 04.11.2018 U/S 279 337 304A IPC on the statement of Sh. Ram Swaroop S/o SH. Jeet R/o Village Hiyun PO Rauri Tehsil & District Shimla alleging therein that on 04.11.2018 at about 02-45 PM, one Maruti Car No. HP52A-6018 met with an accident and rolled down toward Karond Road. In this accident, one person namely Surender Thakur S/o Lt. Sh. Jeet Ram R/o Village Neri, PO Bhont, Shimla died on the spot and another Sanjay Thakur sustained injuries. The case is being investigated by HC Mehar Singh, I/O PP Summer Hill, Shimla.
4. AN ACCIDENT: Case FIR No. 118/18 has been registered at PS Kumarsain on 04.11.2018 U/S 279 337 IPC & 187 MV Act on the statement of Sh. Honey Sharma S/o Sh. Raj Kumar Sharma R/o Village Lalsa, PO Dansa, Tehsil Rampur, Shimla, age 19 years stated therein that on 04.11.2018, he along-with his friend namely Sahil S/o Sh. Kehar Singh R/o Village Chuhabag, PO Khaneri Tehsil Rampur, Shimla were going towards Rampur from Shimla in his Motorcycle No. HP26A-1220. At about 06-30 PM, as they reached near Bhanoli, at the same time one car came rashly with negligent driving and after hit his motorcycle run away from the spot. In this accident, they both sustained injury. The case is being investigated by HC Rajesh, I/O PS Kumarsain.
5. AN ACCIDENT: Case FIR No. 111/18 has been registered at PS Jhakri on 04.11.18 U/S 279 IPC & 187 MV Act on the statement of Sh. Amolak Ram S/o Lt. Sh. Kalu Ram R/o Village Nanahan PO Jeori, Tehsil Rampur, Shimla stated therein that on 05.11.2018, one HRTC Bus No. HP06A-1152 came rashly with negligent driving and hit his car No. HP06A-2740, parked at Nanahan Curve. The case is being investigated by ASI Bir Singh, I/O PS Jhakri.
6. A FIRE INCIDENT: Case FIR No. 130/18 has been registered at PS East Shimla on 05.11.2018 U/S 285 427 IPC on the statement of Sh. Nasheer S/o Sh. Safed Shah R/o Alley No. 6, House No. 65, Kalola Prishtha, Kabul Afganistan A/P Student of MBA-II year, APG University, Shimla alleging therein that on the intervening night of 04/05.11.2018, some unknown person has set a fire in his Motorcycle No. CH01BF-2760 & another motorcycle No. CH01BH-2453 of his friend Makbool and damaged these motorcycles badly. The case is being investigated by ASI Prem Singh, I/C PP Kasumpti.
7. During last 24 hours 251 vehicles were challaned under Motor Vehicle Act, Compounded= 83, fine realized Rs. 27,100/- and 26 Persons challaned underSmoking Act & fine collected Rs. 2700/-.
On 05.11.2018, an unidentified male dead body, age 25/30 years found dead at village Badagaon, PO Rajhana, Shimla in the jurisdiction of PS New Shimla. Proceeding u/S 174 Cr.PC is being carried out by HC Mahender No. 1684, I/O PS New Shimla.
1. Accused Ramesh Verma S/o Sh. Mast Ram Verma R/o Village Jandal Kiar, Kandru, Tehsil Theog, Distrit Shimla, age 30 years, arrested in case FIR No. 217/18 Dt. 31.10.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act at PS Theog, is remanded in judicial custody upto by the Ld. Court.
2. Accused Ajay Kumar @ Rajinder Singh S/o Sh. Janpur R/o Village Thana, PO Mandal, Tehsil Jubbal, Shimla, 24 years, arrested in case FIR No. 94/18 Dt. 20.10.2018 U/S 379 IPC at PS Jubbal, is remanded in police custody upto 05.11.2018, by the Ld. Court.
3. Accused Harish S/o Sh. Jeet Ram R/o Village Dewarighat, Tehsil Theog, District Shimla, arrested in case FIR No. 218/18 Dt. 02.11.2018 U/S 21 ND&PS Act at PS Theog, is being produced before the Ld. Court.
4. Accused Jitender S/o Sh. Jaipal R/o Village Kabadi, PO Rohat, Tehsil & PS Kharkhoda, District Sonipal, Haryana, arrested in case FIR No. 94/18 Dt. 02.09.2018 U/S 407 420 IPC at PS Kumarsain, is remanded in police custody upto 06.11.2018, by the Ld. Court.
5. Accused Kuldeep S/o Lt. Sh. Ramdhan R/o Village Basaudi, PO Badoli, Tehsil Sonipat, Haryana, arrested in case FIR No. 93/18 Dt. 02.09.2018 U/S 407 420 IPC at PS Kumarsain, is remanded in police custody upto 06.11.2018, by the Ld. Court.
6. Accused Vinod Kumar S/o Sh. Gyani Ram R/o Village Bahaldhar, PO Tewat, Tehsil Chopal, District Shimla, age 38 years, arrested in Case FIR No. 219/18 Dt. 05.11.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act at PS Theog, is remanded in Police Custody upto 06.11.2018, by the Ld. Court.
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