Crime Report on Oct. 09, 2018

1.  A DISFIGUREMENT ACT: Case FIR No. 122/18 has been registered at PS East Shimla on 08.10.2018 U/S 505(2) IPC & 3 of HP Open Places Disfigurement Act on the complaint of Sh. Suresh Chander Thakur (Retd. Commandant SSB) S/o Lt. Sh. K.C. Thakur R/o Shanti Vihar, Kasumpti Shimla, age 74 years alleging therein that some unknown person have written some slogans against Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, on a portion of boundary wall of his house, pedestrian path leading towards Chhota Shimla and disfigured his boundary wall.  The case is being investigated by ASI Mehar Chand, I/O PP Kasumpti, Shimla.

2.  During  last 24 hours 416 vehicles were challaned under Motor Vehicle Act,Compounded= 177,  fine realized Rs. 75,800/-and 13 Persons challaned under Smoking Act& fine collected Rs. 1,300/-. 


1.    Accused i) Ritesh Kumar S/o Sh. Mohan Lal R/o Village Kalara, PO & Tehsil Nerwa, Shimla & ii) Kartik S/o Sh. Kartar Singh R/o Village Nao Dhar, PO Ruslah, Tehsil Nerwa, Shimla, arrested in case FIR No. 67/18 Dt. 05.10.2018 U/S 302 341 323 506 120B 34 IPC & 3, 4 SC/ST (POA) Act at PS Nerwa, further remanded in police custody upto 12.10.2018, by the Ld. Court. 

2.  Accused Rathour Rawat S/o Sh. Nand Rawat R/o Dadagaon, Dali, District Jhajarkot, Nepal, age 32 years, arrested in case FIR No. 223/18 Dt. 06.10.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act at PS Sadar,is being produced before the Ld. Court today. 

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