Crime Report on Oct. 16, 2018

1.  A ND&PS ACT: Case FIR No. 102/18 has been registered atPS Jhakri on 15.10.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act on the rukka of HC Manoj Kumar, I/O PP Jeori Shimla alleging therein that on 15.10.2018, during patrolling  along with staff, a person namely Rohit Mehta S/o Sh. Kamla Nand Mehta R/o Village Khanewali, PO Dev Nagar, Tehsil Rampur, Shimla, age 31 years intercepted by them and during the search, 12 Gram Charas recovered from his possession. The case is being investigated by HC Manoj Kumar, I/O PP Jeori (Jhakri), 

2.  A GAMBLING ACT: Case FIR No. 54/18 has been registered at PS Nankhari today on 16.10.2018 U/S 13 The Public Gambling Act on the rukka of ASI Ashwani Kumar, I/O SIU Shimla alleging therein that  today morning he along with staff was on patrolling in c/w collection of intelligence towards Nankhari, Bagi etc. At about 03-00 AM, on the secret information, a raid has been conducted in the Apple Grading Godown of Sanjeev Kumar and 07 persons apprehended by them during playing gambling with card and  Seized Rs. 18,200/- from the spot. The case is being investigated by ASI Ashwani Kumar, I/O SIU,Shimla.   

3.  AN ACCIDENT: Case FIR No. 96/18 has been registered at PS Chirgaon on 15.10.2018 U/S 279 337 IPC & 187 MV Act on the statement of Sh. Ram Prasad S/o Sh. Bhdhi Lal R/o Village Githepani PO Rtibhuvan Nagarpalika Tehsil Gorahi Distrcit Daang, Nepal, age 50 years A/P C/o Sh. Govind Singh Negi R/o Village & PO Masli Tehsil Chirgaon, Shimla stated therein that on 15.10.2018 at about 06-30 PM, a vehicle No. HP01-4228 (Trax) driven by Agya Ram S/o Sh. Surat Singh R/o Village Shalot, PO Masli, Tehsil Chirgaon, Shimla, came rashly with negligent driving from Chirgaon side and hit a child namely Tulsi Ram S/o Sh. Tek Bahadur R/o Nishikot Anchal Dhaulagiri, Distt. Megdi, Nepal, age 3 years and run away from the spot. The case is being investigated by HC Deepak, I/O PS Chirgaon.   

4.  AN ACCIDENT: Case FIR No. 117/18 has been registered atPS Chopal on 15.10.2018 U/S 279, 304A IPC PS Chopal on the statement of Sh. Virender Singh R/o Village Giyaun PO Naukari Pul, Tehsil Chopal, Shimla stated therein that one Car No. CH03W-4256 met with an accident at      Bal Nalah and rolled down into deep trench due to rash & negligent driving of driver who died on the spot. The case is being investigated by Insp./SHO PS Chopal.

5.  During last 24 hours 306 vehicles were challaned underMotor Vehicle Act, Compounded= 130,  fine realized Rs. 76,600/-, 18 Persons challaned under Smoking Act & fine collected Rs. 1,800/- and 01 Challaned under Mining Act &Fine Realized Rs. 7500/-


1.   Accused Ramesh Chand Sharma S/O Lt.Sh.Laxmi Dass R/O Village Galana,PO Kuthar Tehsil Theog Shimla age-55 yearsarrested in case FIR No. 209/18 Dt. 13.10.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act at PS Theog, is remanded in police custody for up to17.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.

2.   Accused i) Daleep Kumar S/o Sh. Nathu Ram R/o Village Tihni, PO Sus, Tehsil Anni, Distt Kullu, HP age 32 years andii) Uttam Ram S/o Sh. Dharam Dass R/o Village Manchhani, PO Kothi, Tehsil Anni, Distt Kullu, HP age 25 years, arrested in case FIR No. 300/18 Dt. 14.10.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act at PS West, Shimla, are remanded in police custody upto 18.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.

3.   Accused Anil Kumar S/o Sh. Raghubir Singh R/o Village & PO Vazaana khurd, PS & Tehsil Ghanour, District Sonipat, Haryana, arrested in case FIR No. 126/18 Dt. 14.10.2018 U/S 419 120B IPC & 7 of Malpractice Act at PS East, is remanded in Police Custody upto 17.08.2018, by the Ld. Court.

4.   Accused Anish S/o Sh. Bhim Bahadur R/o Nepali C/o Sh. Rakesh Singha, Hon’ble MLA Theog, Shimla, arrested in case FIR No. 95/18 U/S 341 326 IPC at PS Kumarsain, is being produced before Ld. Court today. 

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