1. AN ACCIDENT: Case FIR No. 204/18 has been registered at PS Theog on 10.10.2018 U/S 279 337 304A IPC on the rukka of ASI Purshotam Chand, I/C PP Chhaila, Theog alleging therein that on 10.10.2018 at about 07-30 PM, one vehicle No. HP10A-5099(Tempo Traveler), met with an accident and rolled down 35 meters from Chhaila Bridge into Giri River due to rash & negligent driving of Sudhanshu. 14 passengers were travelling in this vehicle. In this accident 03 persons died and other sustained injuries. The case is being investigated by ASI Purshotam Chand, I/C PP Chhaila, Theog.
2. AN ACCIDENT: Case FIR No. 293/18 has been registered at PS West Shimla on 11.10.2018 U/S 279 304A IPC & 187 MV Act on the statement of Sh. Prem Chand S/o Sh. Kanhaiya Lal R/o Village Judlu, PO Chanawag, Tehsil Sunni, District Shimla, HP stated therein that he was coming to Jhanduta from Nalagarth in his Tipper loaded with bricks. As he reached near Jaika Hotel Jhakri and saw a deadbody of person who was crushed badly by some unknown vehicle and his flesh were scattered on the National Highway 205. This accident caused due to rash & negligent driving of unknown vehicle, who run away from the spot. The case is being investigated by ASI Suresh Kumar, I/O PP Dhami, Shimla.
3. AN ACCIDENT: Case FIR No. 52/18 has been registered at PS Nankhari on 10.10.2018 U/S 279 304A IPC on the statement of Sh. Mahender Singh S/o Sh. Het Ram R/o Village Shua PO Sholi Tehsil Nankhari, District Shimla, stated therein that on 10.10.2018 at about 07-05 PM, one vehicle No. HP06A-4409 (Pick-UP), which was on the way towards Nirath from Gadasu met with an accident and rolled down 200 meter from the road due to rash & negligent driving of Bhupender Singh and died on the spot. The case is being investigated by HC Devender Nath, I/O PS Nankhari.
4. DISOBEDIENCE TO ORDER DULY PROKULGATED BY PUBLIC SERVANT: Case FIR No. 124/18 has been registered atPS East Shimla on 10.10.2018 U/S 188 286 IPC on the rukka of SI Baldev Singh, I/C PP Kasumpti, Shimla alleging therein that on 10.10.2018 at about 08-45 PM, he alongwith staff was on patrolling on Junga Road near Mehli. On the secret information, a search has been conducted in the Daily Needs Shop of Manwar Alam and recovered large quantity of Fire Crackers from his shop, which was negligently displayed by him for selling without using any fire safety instruments or without getting any permission from District Administration. The case is being investigated by SI Baldev Singh, I/C PP Kasumpti Shimla.
5. AN ASSAULT ON GOVT. SERVENT: Case FIR No. 92/18 has been registered at PS Chirgaon on 10.10.2018 U/S 353 332 506 504 427 IPC on the statement of Sh. Sunil Kumar S/o Sh. Akbar Singh R/o Village Sondari, PO Khabal, Tehsil Chirgaon, Shimla A/P Conductor in HRTC Unit Chirgaon Shimla stated therein that one person namely Mukesh S/o Sh. Gotam Singh R/o Village Larot, Tehsil Chirgaon, Shimla abused and beaten him alongwith bus driver Vinod during performing his govt. duty. He also abused him, broken his mobile and threatened with dire consequences. The case is being investigated by HC Deepak Sharma, I/O PS Chirgaon.
6. During last 24 hours 371 vehicles were challaned under Motor Vehicle Act, Compounded= 192, fine realized Rs. 82,400/- and 23 Persons challaned underSmoking Act & fine collected Rs. 2,300/-.
1. Accused i) Ritesh Kumar S/o Sh. Mohan Lal R/o Village Kalara, PO & Tehsil Nerwa, Shimla & ii) Kartik S/o Sh. Kartar Singh R/o Village Nao Dhar, PO Ruslah, Tehsil Nerwa, Shimla, arrested in case FIR No. 67/18 Dt. 05.10.2018 U/S 302 341 323 506 120B 34 IPC & 3, 4 SC/ST (POA) Act at PS Nerwa, are remanded in police custody upto 12.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.
Accused i) Sushil Kumar S/o Sh. Ram Krishan Verma R/o Village Chabit, PO Janedghat, Sub-Tehsil Junga, District Shimla, age 38 years, ii) Prem Chand S/o Sh. Bhagat Ram R/o Village Neharakumhali, PO Janedghat, Sub-Tehsil Junga, District Shimla, age 59 years, iii) Sunil Kumar S/o Sh. Geeta Ram R/o Village Chambi, PO Janedghat, Sub-Tehsil Junga, District Shimla & iv) Yugal Kishore S/o Sh. Rama Nand R/o Village Chambi PO Janedghat, Sub-Tehsil Junga, District Shimla arrested in case FIR No. 208/18 Dt. 09.10.2018 U/S 379, 34 IPC & 41, 42 IF Act at PS Dhalli. Accused mentioned in Sr. No. I & II remanded in Police custody upto 12.10.2018 and Sr. No. iii & iv are being produced before the Ld. Court today.
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