1. AN ACCIDENT: Case FIR No. 286/18 has been registered at PS West Shimla on 07.10.2018 U/S 279 337 IPC & 187 MV Act on the statement of Sh. Lalit Kumar Sharma S/o Lt. Sh. Mohan Lal Sharma R/o Sharma Building, near Satsang Bhawan, Lower Totu, Shimla stated therein that on 07.10.2018, he alongwith his son namely Himanshu were going towards Hira Nagar from Totu in Scooty No. HP63-7828. At about 06-00 PM, when they reached near Nalatu Nalah, about 1KM ahead from Dhanda, at the same time a Car No. HP63-7828 (Shevlet Beat) came rashly with negligent driving by overtaking other vehicles and after hitting their scooty, run away from the spot. In this accident, they sustained injuries. The case is being investigated by HC Balwinder Singh, I/O PP Jutogh.
2. AN INDIAN FOREST ACT: Case FIR No. 208/18 has been registered at PS Dhalli on 07.10.2018 U/S 379 IPC & 41, 42 The Indian Forest Act on the complaint of Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Incharge, Jagedi Bag Beat, Junga Forest Block, Koti Range alleging therein that on 27.09.2018 at about 11-00 AM, during patrolling in his beat, he found that some unknown person has cut four dry cedar trees and recovered 13 volume 1.315 mз logs amounting to Rs. 5,12,975/- from the spot. However the remaining wood total density is 7.014M3 amounting to Rs. 3,92,111/- was missing from the spot . The case is being investigated by ASI Joginder Singh, I/C PP Junga.
3. AN UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY: Case FIR No. 201/18 has been registered at PS Theog today on 08.10.2018 U/S 143,341 IPC and Sec. 8 of The National Highway Act on the Rukka of HC Sudesh Kumar IO PS Theog alleging therein that today he along with staff was on law & order duty towards Theog bus stand and Bazar etc. at about 01.05 PM about 20/25 peoples under the leadership of Sh. Rakesh Singha, Hon’ble MLA, Sh. Kapil Bhardwaj, Sh. Surender Kumar & others came towards Theog Bus stand from Rest House Theog by shouting slogans against the State Govt. on inflation and hike the price of Diesel/Petrol issues etc.and blocked the National Highway. The case is being investigated by HC Sudesh Kumar IO PS Theog.
4. AN UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY: Case FIR No. 289/18 has been registered at PS West Shimla on 08.10.2018 U/S 341 143 186 IPC on the rukka of SI Vijay Singh, I/O PS West Shimla alleging therein that today at about 12-41 PM, about 50/60 CPI(M) workers under the leadership of Sh. Balbir Prashar, Smt. Falma Chauhan, Sh. Kishori dhadwalia, Sh. Babu Ram, Sh. Balak Ram, Sh. Vinod Birsanta & others assembled at Victory Tunnel Shimla by shouting slogans against the state govt. on inflation, hike in diesel/petrol & increased bus fare issues and blocked the traffic for 45 minutes. They have also scuffled with the police personnel on duty during agitation.
5. A FIRE INCIDENT: Case FIR No. 288/18 has been registered at PS West Shimla on 08.10.2018 U/S 285 IPC on the statement of Sh. Sunil Dutt Sharma S/o Sh. Sita Ram Sharma R/o Sharma Niwas, Dhanda, Shimla alleging therein that on 08.10.2018, he parked his vehicles No. HP63D-5757 & HP01A-4194 on the road side near Agriculture Gate at Dhanda. The vehicle Nos. HP63-9846 & HP63-7248 of Sant Ram & Raj Kumar respectively were also parked at above place. Today some unknown person has negligently thrown burnt cigarette in the garbage, due to which fire broke out and two vehicles have been burnt in this fire incident. The case is being investigated by HC Balwinder Singh, I/O PS Jutogh Shimla.
6. During last 24 hours 274 vehicles were challaned under Motor Vehicle Act, Compounded= 141, fine realized Rs. 57,700/- and 17 Persons challaned under Smoking Act & fine collected Rs. 1,700/-.
1. Accused i) Ritesh Kumar S/o Sh. Mohan Lal R/o Village Kalara, PO & Tehsil Nerwa, Shimla & ii)Kartik S/o Sh. Kartar Singh R/o Village Nao Dhar, PO Ruslah, Tehsil Nerwa, Shimla, arrested in case FIR No. 67/18 Dt. 05.10.2018 U/S 302 341 323 506 120B 34 IPC & 3, 4 SC/ST (POA) Act at PS Nerwa, are remanded in police custody upto 09.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.
2. Accused Rathour Rawat S/o Sh. Nand Rawat R/o Dadagaon, Dali, District Jhajarkot, Nepal, age 32 years, arrested in case FIR No. 223/18 Dt. 06.10.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act at PS Sadar, is remanded in police custody upto 09.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.
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