Crime Report on Oct. 07, 2018

1.     AN EXCISE ACT: Case FIR No. 54/18 has been registered at PS Sunni on 07.10.2018U/S 39 HP Excise Act on the rukka of ASI Krishan Lal, I/C PP Jalog, Sunni alleging therein that on the intervening night of 06/07.2018 at about 12-50 AM, during Nakabandi/traffic checking alongwith staff near Bahtora, Tehsil Sunni, one Pick-UP No. HP06A-8370, which was coming from Luhri, stopped by them for checking. During the search, 12 Boxes of Country liquor, 3 Boxes of English liquor & 4 Boxes of Beer recovered from the above vehicle under the possession of driver Dharam Prakash S/o Sh. Rati Ram R/o Village Bharara, Tehsil Sunni, Shimla. The case is being investigated by ASI Krishan Lal, I/C PP Jalog.

2.     A DISFIGUREMENT ACT: Case FIR No. 121/18 has been registered at PS East Shimla on 06.10.2018 U/S 505(2) IPC & 3 HP Open Place Disfigurement Act on the complaint of Sh. Vishal Vasudeva (Advocate) R/o Omkar Niwas, Kasumpti Shimla alleging therein that he has covered his house with boundary sheets which is abutting with road leading to SDA Complex from Kasumpti. On 06.10.2018 at about 08-00 PM, one Sh. Jai Ram Sharma, owner of Goldy General Store, Kasumpti Shimla told him that some miscreants has written some slogans on the boundary sheets of this house against Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and disfigured his property. The case is being investigated by SI Baldev Singh, I/C PP Kasumpti, Shimla.   

3.     A CRIMINAL BREACH OF TRUST: Case FIR No. 136/18 has been registered at PS Rohru on 06.10.2018 U/S 407 IPC on the complaint of Sh. Surjeet Singh  S/o Sh. Roshan Lal R/o Village Khilargi, PO Jagothi, Tehsil Rohru, Shimla A/P owner of Fruit Company, New Subzi Mandi, Rohru alleging therein that on 08.09.2018, he loaded 397 apple boxes and R.K. Fruit Company Subzi Mandi Rohru loaded 218 apple boxes to Badrek M.F. Company Odisha in  Truck No. MP07HB-6401, driven by Nand Kishore S/o Sh. Mohar Singh R/o Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. The names of Truck owner is Gajender Singh. But the above truck is not reached at the destination till now. The case is being investigated by ASI Shanti Swaroop, I/O PS Rohru.

4.     AN ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES ACT: Case FIR No. 120/18 has been registered at PS East Shimla on 06.10.2018 U/S 3,7,10 The Essential Commodities Act on the complaint of Sh. Arvind Pada, Inspector in Food, Civil Supply & Consumer Affair Department alleging therein that on 30.10.2017,  a complaint has been received in his office against Uttam Gas Agency, New Shimla. During the enquiry, it is found that M/S Uttam Indane Gas Agency, BCS, New Shimla has charged Rs. 50/- from the consumers of Mehli & Beolia area in place of Rs. 31/- and violated the notification issued by the District Magistrate, Shimla. The case is being investigated by I/C PP Kasumpti, Shimla. 

5.     A DISFIGUREMENT ACT: Case FIR No. 103/18 Dt. 06.10.18 U/S 426 IPC & 3 HP Open Place Disfigurement Act has been registered at PS New Shimla on the rukka of HC Mahender, I/O PS New Shimla alleging therein that on 06.10.2018 at about 05-45 PM, during patrolling alongwith staff, when they reached near Khalini Bypass and found that some unknown person has written by black ink on the Public wall  constructed by PWD Department and disfigured the Govt. Property. The case is being investigated by HC Mahender, I/O PS New Shimla.   

6.     During  last 24 hours 329 vehicles were challaned underMotor Vehicle Act, Compounded= 154,  fine realized Rs. 80,700/-and 18 Persons challaned under Smoking Act & fine collected Rs. 1,900/-. 


1.     Accused Sahab Nath S/o Sh. Udhmi Nath R/o Village Rangmahal Tehsil & PS Sooratgarh District Gangasagar, Rajasthan, age 27 years and Anil Kumar S/o Sh. Ramesh Chand R/o Village & Tehsil Alnabad, District Sirsa, Haryana, age 18 years, arrested in case FIR No. 195/18 Dt. 27.09.2018 U/S 420 468 471 IPC at PS Theog, further remanded in police custody upto 08.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.

2.     Accused i) Ritesh Kumar S/o Sh. Mohan Lal R/o Village Kalara, PO & Tehsil Nerwa, Shimla & ii) Kartik S/o Sh. Kartar Singh R/o Village Nao Dhar, PO Ruslah, Tehsil Nerwa, Shimla, arrested in case FIR No. 67/18 Dt. 05.10.2018 U/S 302 341 323 506 120B 34 IPC & 3, 4 SC/ST (POA) Act at PS Nerwa, are remanded in police custody upto 09.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.  

3.     Accused Rathour Rawat S/o Sh. Nand Rawat R/o Dadagaon, Dali, District Jhajarkot, Nepal, age 32 years, arrested in case FIR No. 223/18 Dt. 06.10.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act at PS Sadar, is remanded in police custody upto 09.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.  

4.  Accused Pradeep Kumar S/o Sh. Bala Nand R/o village Bali, PO Bhutti, Tehsil Kumarsain, Shimla, age 31 years arrested in case FIR No. 149/18 Dt. 06.10.2018 U/S 279 337 304AA IPC & 187 MV Act at PS Rampur, is being produced before Ld. Court

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