Crime Report on Oct. 28, 2018

AN ACCIDENT: Case FIR No. 108/18 has been registered at PS Jhakri Shimla on 28.10.2018 U/S 279 304A IPC on the statement of Sh. Mohan Lal S/o Lt. Sh. Jati Ram R/o Village & PO Ghanvi, Tehsil Rampur, Shimla stated therein that today on 28.10.2018 at about 06-30 AM, one Alto 800 Car No. HP06A-6867 met with an accident at Timara Nala near Shinti Village and rolled down from the Shinti Road due to rash & negligent driving of Ankush S/o Sh. Kedar Singh R/o Village Tikri PO Ghanvi, Tehsil Rampur, Shimla and died on the spot. The case is being investigated by HC Rakesh, I/O PP Ghanvi.  

2.  During last 24 hours 266 vehicles were challaned under Motor Vehicle Act, Compounded= 106,  fine realized Rs. 54,000/- and 12 Persons challaned underSmoking Act & fine collected Rs. 1200/-.


1.  Accused Sahil S/o Sh. Satish Kumar R/o House No. 2165, Rajiv Colony, Mani Majra, Chandigarh arrested in case FIR No.313/18 dated 26.10.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act at PS West, is remanded in Police custody upto29.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.

2.  Accused i) Naresh Kumar S/o Sh. Sewa Ram R/o Village Kasha PO Kandi, Tehsil Rampur, Shimla ii) Jagdish S/o  Sh. Charan Dass R/o Village Shah, PO Dofda Tehsil Rampur, Shimla, arrested in case FIR No.158/18 Dt. 27.10.2018 U/S 20,29,60 ND&PS Act at PS Rampur, are remanded in police custody upto 03.11.2018, by the Ld Court.  

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