1. During last 24 hours 403 vehicles were challaned under Motor Vehicle Act, Compounded= 110, fine realized Rs. 58,300/- and 28 Persons challaned under Smoking Act & fine collected Rs. 3,000/- and 02 vehicle challaned under Mining Act fine realized Rs. 40,000/-.
1. Accused Partap S/o Sh. Jagar Singh R/o Village Lalag, PO Barog, Tehsil & PS Sangrah, District Sirmaur, HP , arrested in case FIR No. 694/18 Dt. 20.10.2018 U/S 20 ND&PS Act at PS Nerwa, Shimla, is remanded in Police custody upto 24.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.
2. Accused Saurabh Kaith S/o Sh. Bhupinder Singh Kaith R/o Village Sharmali, PO Sungari, Tehsil & PS Rohru, age 23 years, arrested in case FIR No. 154/18 Dt. 14.08.2018 U/S 436 120B IPC at PS Dhalli, is remanded in Police custody upto 24.10.2018, by the Ld. Court.
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