Special paid holidays declared on 4 and 15 February

The state government has declared a special paid holiday on 4 February, 2017, which is a poll day, for the registered voters of Punjab in border areas of Una, Kangra, Chamba and Solan districts of the state on account of Punjab Vidhan Sabha elections.

A spokesperson of the state government said here today that it will be applicable to all government, semi-government employees and also to the employees working in industrial establishments, who are registered voters of Punjab.

He said that special paid holiday has also been declared on 15 February, 2017 for the registered voters of Uttrakhand on account of Uttrakhand Assembly elections for all the categories of employees as mentioned above.

These holidays would also be special holidays under Section 25 of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.

He clarified that these holidays will be given to employees only after production of certificate of the concerned Presiding Officer that the employee has actually cast his or her vote.

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