Cable car crashes into a house during trial check

A cable car crashed into a house while seven other carriages of the Jakhu Ropeway here were left hanging at different points during a trial check.

There were no report of casualty in the incident.

The mishap took place during the trial to check the alignment of the ropeway with eight cable cars on the cable, four going up and other four coming down.

A cable slipped after the first tower from the lower station, causing one carriage to crash into the house while three cable cars remained hanging on the loose cable, just one feet above the roof of the house posing a grave risk, project engineers said.

The inmate of the house on which the cabal car fell escaped unhurt but three other carriages were hanging just one feet above the roof on ropes, causing grave risk to the house.

"My family members had gone to village and I was alone in the house when suddenly something fell on the house and when I came out, a damaged cable car was at my doors and three others were hanging over the roof," Roopmesh , resident of the house, said.

Sonu, a contractor working in a nearby house, who was eyewitness to the incident said that suddenly the cable cars started swinging on the ropes and one of them came down hurtling and fell on the house.

"There were no passengers in the cable cars as it was test check and as such there was no casualty but three cable cars weighing about 1,500 Kg were hanging over the house," he said.

The span of the ropeway was 410 mts with elevation of 175 mts and it was first check with four cable cars and check tests with one, two and three cable cars had already been conducted successfully.


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