CM inaugurates I&PH Rest House at Sidhbari in Dharamshala

Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, at Sidhbari, near Dharamshala today inaugurated the newly constructed rest house of Irrigation & Public Health worth Rs. 1.25 crores.
On this occasion he said that the state witnessed unprecedented development during last four years, commencing accelerated socio economic growth of entire state.

Chief Minister said that the achievements in field of development of the state were also recognized at various forums on national level, by independent, non government agencies. He said, development was a continuous process and the present government not only accelerated the pace of development but also ensured quality in execution of these schemes.

He said planned construction was need of the hour and added that buildings constructed with safety designs prove safe for human life and property. He said government buildings should be constructed in such a way that they become model buildings for that particular area.

Irrigation &Public Health Minister Vidya Stokes, Transport Minister GS Bali, Urban Development Minister Sudhir Sharma, DC CP Verma, SP Sanjeev Gandhi were present among others on this occasion

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