A Spokesperson of Himachal Pradesh State Election Department told here today that as per the directions of the National Electoral Commission the statewide National Electoral Rolls Purification campaign would be started from 1st March to 31st August, 2016. During the campaign with the help of modern technology the dual registration would be removed from existing electoral rolls besides making it error free.
He said that the department would identify the errors in existing electoral rolls at district and sub-division level upto 31st March, 2016. There after the purification of errors and registration of left out and eligible citizen would be done by 1st April, 2016. Besides that the names of the dead, dual registered voters and the voters who had shifted to another place, would be removed from the list.
He has appealed to the political parties, NGOs, Mahila/ Yuva Mandals and the citizens to contact designated registration camps and officers, electoral registration officer/ Assistant electoral registration officer to register the names of left out and eligible persons, removal of the names of the dead and those who had shifted to another place and also remove the names of dual registered persons so as to update the electoral rolls.
He said that the department would identify the errors in existing electoral rolls at district and sub-division level upto 31st March, 2016. There after the purification of errors and registration of left out and eligible citizen would be done by 1st April, 2016. Besides that the names of the dead, dual registered voters and the voters who had shifted to another place, would be removed from the list.
He has appealed to the political parties, NGOs, Mahila/ Yuva Mandals and the citizens to contact designated registration camps and officers, electoral registration officer/ Assistant electoral registration officer to register the names of left out and eligible persons, removal of the names of the dead and those who had shifted to another place and also remove the names of dual registered persons so as to update the electoral rolls.
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