HPAS exam pattern to change on IAS lines

Chairman of the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission KS Tomar today said the micro-level syllabi of general knowledge papers of Himachal Pradesh Administration and Allied Services is in its final stages and would come into force in the HAS written examination in 2017.
The process of switching over from the HPAS to the IAS pattern started eight months ago, making the state the first to incorporate the change, he said.
“The commission is in talks with experts, scholars and academicians to finalize the micro-level syllabi,” Tomar said.
He said the new pattern would not be applicable to the HPAS combined examination (preliminary and main written exam), which will be held in 2016 and for which advertisements will appear in newspapers in January 2016.
“We seek to do away with discrimination which is the outcome of injudicious total marks of two optional subjects,” he said. “First, the commission wants to create an equal level playing field for all candidates. Second, I want to introduce 30-33 per cent of the state element in general knowledge papers,” Tomar said.
The Prof. J.C. Sharma committee after consulting UPSC, different state Public Service commissions and experts from various universities, has submitted its report. Dr. Man Singh, new member of commission will take the entire process to logical end under direct supervision of commission, Tomar said.
Tomar said the syllabus of general knowledge papers was being finalized after it was approved by the commission and the state government.
“Sample papers on the new pattern will also be prepared to guide candidates and those will be uploaded on the commission’s website for suggestions and scrutiny,” he said.
As per the new pattern, there will be no change in the marks of Hindi, English and essays (100 each). “One-fifty marks for interview remain unchanged. But one optional subject of 300 marks has been abolished and there will be only one optional paper of 300 marks (two papers of 150 each),” he said.
Three general knowledge papers will be of 150 each containing 30 to 33 per cent questions on the state. “Overall marks of the interview and main examination will be 1200,” Tomar said.
Due to nature of two optional subjects, some of the candidates enjoyed illogical advantage. This would go after the change in pattern, Tomar said.
“I plan to make a presentation before all heads of the PSCs and request them to incorporate the new pattern in their institutions as well,” Tomar said.


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