Workshop on role of PIO’s in RTI Act held

The State level workshop for the Appealate Authorities, Public Information officers (PIO’s) and officers dealing with the Right to Information Act (RTI) was organised here today at Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public Administration (HIPA).

State Election Commissioner T.G. Negi in his inaugural address stated that RTI Act was going to complete ten years of its implementation this month and it was much talked and highly appreciated issue in the society. He said that Act had succeeded in its objective by bringing accountability and transparency with in governance and administration.

Negi said many other Acts like Public Services Guarantee Act, Citizen Charter, MNREGS etc. had been passed in the country which were directly accountable to the public. He said PIO’s had most crucial role while dealing with RTI as he had to ensure timely information to the applicant. He added PIO’s need to act judiciously and the provisions of the Act should not be ignored. The penalty was major component of the Act and after 30 days the information was to be provided free of cost along with satisfying the applicant for delay in providing the information in stipulated time period.

Managing Director, H.P. State Cooperative Bank Gopal Sharma said PIO’s were the most vulnerable Part of the Act, as they had to satisfy the information seeker. He said the application should be disposed of expeditiously as delays could lead to corruption.

Director, Town and country Planning Shri Sandeep Kumar gave a detailed presentation on various provisions of the RTI Act.

Dr. J.N. Barowalia who retired as Principal Secretary (Law), Controller, Printing & Stationary Dr. D.K. Gupta and D.K. Manta also gave presentations on the Act and discussed abut the role PIO’s in effective implementation of the RTI Act.

Director, HIPA Madhubala Sharma welcomed the participants while workshop Co-coordinator R.S. Kapoor presented vote of thanks.

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