P-8 plan for effective functioning of Universities

An eight point plan for effective functioning of the Universities of the State has been formulated by Governor Kalyan Singh who is also the Chancellor of Universities of the State.

This plan includes all major activities of universities- 1.Pravesh  (Admission) 2 Padhai (Education) 3 Parisar (Campus) 4 Pariksha (Examination) 5 Parikshan (Checking) 6 Parinaam (Result) 7 Punarmulyankan (Re-evaluation) and 9 Padak ( Medals).

Effective review mechanism and solutions for present problems have been ensured in the plan. The plan has been formulated by Singh after detailed deliberations and study in order to improve the higher education system in the State.

The plan provides for strict compliance regarding following admission guidelines, similiarity in syllabus, ensuring attendance of teachers and students, healthy atmosphere in university campus by strictly dealing with issues like ragging, anti social elements, eve-teasing,  etc by encouraging educational, sports and cultural activities besides conduction of fair examinations by checking the menace of copying.

Governor has asked to ensure effective checking and re-evaluation procedure by maintaining quality and suggested centralised evaluation system besides reassessing honorarium for minimizing errors and maintenance of  secrecy in the whole procedure. He has also stressed upon improving the re-evaluation system by adopting a serious attitude.

Singh has also stressed upon regularly holding of convocations so that students could get their degrees in time without any delay.

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