Shri Narender Chauhan, Chief Electoral Officer said here today that notification for Election for one seat of Rajya Sabha, which was going to be vacant on 9th April, 2014 in the State would be issued on 21 January, 2014. Last date for filling the nominations will be 28th January, 2014. He said that scrutiny of nomination papers would be done on 29th January, 2014 and names could be withdrawn upto 31st January, 2014. He said that if necessary, the polling would be held on 7th February, 2014 from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. The election process would be completed on 10th February, 2014, he added. Shri Chauhan said that the contesting general candidates for the election will have to deposit Rs. 10,000 as security money. This amount has been fixed at Rs. 5,000 for scheduled caste and scheduled tribe candidates. The polling for the election would be held at Dr. Y.S. Parmar Vidhan Sabha Library in the campus of Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha, Shimla.
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