Registration of Food Business Establishments mandatory


The online Licensing and Registration of all Food Business Establishments in the State had been made mandatory by 4th February, 2014. A spokesman of the State Government said here today that all Food Business Operators including Pansari shop, Dhaba, Restaurant, Hotel, Guest House, Canteen, Stall owners, Milk and Egg shop owners, meat shop owners, Civil Supply shop, Store, Depot, Wine shop, Agriculture and Horticulture store/ depot, Railway, Airport, Military and Para Military food store/depot, Government and Semi Government and hospital Canteen and Catering business operators should register their business establishments besides getting online license by 4th February, 2014. He said that the food business operators who would not register their establishments by 4th February, 2014 would be fined Rs. 100 per day under Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006. He said that for more information one can contact in the office of District Health Officer and Food Security Officer in their respective districts.

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