H.P.Cabinet Decisions - 2 May 2017

Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh  presiding over a Cabinet meeting at Shimla on 2 May 2017
The cabinet in its meeting held here today decided to regularize the contract employees after 3 years of continuous service as on 31 March, 2017 to fulfill the announcement of the Chief Minister made on 15th April, 2017 at Chamba during Himachal Day function.

As per budget announcement of the Chief Minister, the Cabinet accorded approval for enhancement of the rates of grant-in-aid of Chowkidars of Gram Panchayats from Rs. 2050 to Rs.2350. As many as 3226 Chowkidars would be benefitted.

The Cabinet was presided over by Chief Minister  Virbhadra Singh.

The cabinet gave its approval for enhancement of monthly honorarium of the Aanganwari workers from Rs. 450 to Rs. 1450 and Anganwari Sahayikas  from Rs. 300 to Rs. 600.

Decision was taken to provide one day casual leave to contract appointees after putting one month of service, besides 10 days medical leave and 5 days special leave in a calendar year. A female contract appointee with less than two surviving children would be granted maternity leave for 135 days. Similarly the female contract appointee should be also entitled for maternity leave not exceeding 45 days, irrespective of number of surviving children.

It was decided to regularize the services of the para-medical staff of the Rogi Kalyan Samitis (RKS) after four years which includes three year service under Government contract and one year RKS, instead of eight years as was earlier.

The Cabinet also decided to provide 4-9-14 pay scale by counting adhoc/RKS/contract to be granted to all Medical Officers (General Wing) for the services rendered in the department for the year 2017, as a relaxation.

The Cabinet also approved that from 1st January 2018, Medical Officers will be appointed only on regular basis.

It was also decided that the Part Time Workers who have completed 8 years of continuous service as on 31 March, 2017 and 30 September, 2017 be converted into daily-wagers as per announcement of Chief Minister.

Other Important Decisions

Cabinet gave its approval for new National Highway Sub Division at Una under NH Division Hamipur and Sarahan in Sirmaur District by shifting NH Sub Division Chambaghat. The cabinet approved providing of posts of Private Secretary with the Head of Departments in common provision of column- 11 of the R&P Rules.

Approval was given for rationalizing seven posts of  Junior Engineer in HPPWD  Divison No. 2 Mandi to be utilized  in National Highways.  Cabinet gave its approval for opening of new HPPWD Sub-Division at Kuthera under PWD Divison No.1 Bilaspur .

Nod was given for opening new HPPWD Sub Division at Mashobra under PWD Division No. 1 Shimla. It was also decided that PWD Division No. II at IGMC Shimla be attached with Division No.III.

The cabinet gave its approval to purchase of 25 buses with capacity of 30 seats, 250 buses of 37 seater capacity and 50 buses of 47 seater capacity through HRTC.

The cabinet gave its approval to increase the grant in aid from Rs. 3000 to Rs. 4000 per child per annum under H.P. Mother Teresa Matri Ashaaye Sambal Yojna as per budget announcement of the Chief Minister.

It was decided to rationalize the posts in Animal Husbandry Department. One post of Additional Director and four posts of Veterinary Officers were shifted from non-significant area to functional area. Besides, seven  posts of Veterinary Officers were upgraded to Sr. Veterinary Officers. One post of Additional Director was upgraded to Deputy Director and one post of Additional Director up-graded to Joint Director.

It also approved enhancement of 50 per cent of existing rates of daily allowances to the elected representatives of PRIs.


Nod was accorded for filling up of 200 posts of Panchayat Sahayak in Panchayati Raj Department, as per budget promise of the Chief Minister. These would be filled form the existing manpower of desert development Project and watersheds.

Cabinet gave its approval for filling up of 174 posts of forest guards on contract basis in the Forest Department.

The Cabinet gave its approval for filling up 60 posts of Agriculture Extension Officers by direct recruitment through H.P. Selection Commission, Hamirpur on contract basis.

It approved filling up of 31 backlog posts of clerks  on contract basis in Higher Education Department.

Nod was given to fill up 25 posts of Agriculture Development Officers on contract basis through direct recruitment.

The cabinet accorded approval to fill up of 12 posts of Drug Inspectors on contract basis through direct recruitment in the Health Department.

It was decided to fill up 12 posts of Junior Office Assistants (IT) in the Department of Excise and Taxation on contract basis.    

The Cabinet approved to fill up two posts of Statistical Assistant through direct recruitment on contract basis in the Department of Tribal Development.

It approved filling up of one post of Programmer Class-I in the Himachal Pradesh Administrative Tribunal on secondment basis.

The cabinet nodded for filling up of four posts in Baddi Barotiwala Nalagarh Development Authority (BBNDA) on contract basis and a post of Patwari on deputation/secondment basis.

 It approved filling up of three vacant posts of Senior Technical Officers (Industrial/chemical/Mechanical) Class-1 in the Department of Industries by direct recruitment on regular basis.

The Cabinet also gave approval for creation and filling of seven posts under Vocational Education.

It gave approval for creation of one post of Assistant Professor in Physics for Government Degree College, Drang at Narla, District Mandi through direct recruitment on contract basis.

Nod was given to create and fill one post of Senior Scale Stenographer on contract basis in the Department of Information Technology.

It gave approval for creation and filling up of one post of Radiation Safety Officer, two posts of Medical Physicist and four posts of Physics Technician at Dr. RPGMC Kangra at Tanda on contract basis.

Cabinet gave its approval for filling up of one post of Principal Nursing Officer from ST category.

It also gave approval for creation of nine posts for Community Health Centre , Ladbhdol in district Mandi.

Nod was given for filling up of eight posts in newly created Block Development Offices.

Approval was accorded for the creation of one post of IT Programmer at the Directorate Level and 12 Posts of Computer Operators at one each in every district on contract basis in the Department of SCs, OBCs, Minority and specially-abled, for effective implementation of Social Security Pension Disbursement Programme.


Cabinet gave its approval for up-gradation of Health Sub Centre (HSC)   Ghanagu-Ghat, in Solan to PHC  along-with creation of one post of Medical Officer, One post of Pharmacist and one Post of Class-IV.

Cabinet gave its approval for opening of HSC at Seyun in Drang Block in Mandi district. It also approved up-gradation of HSC Tikken, G.P. Thaltukhod to PHC in Mandi along-with creation of one post each of Medical Officer, Pharmacist and class-IV.

Approval was given to open PHC at khalag (Jubbarhatti) along-with requisite staff. The Cabinet gave its approval for empanelment of super specialty private hospitals under critical care. At present only three medical agencies i.e. IGMC Shimla, Tanda Medical College Kangra and PGI Chandigarh were providing critical care facilities. Henceforth, the private hospitals will enter into an agreement with H.P. Swasthaya Bima Yojna Society and will have to provide critical care facilities on pre-defined package rates.

The Cabinet gave its approval to lease out government land in favour of JP Karchham Wangtu limited for setting up 40 bedded Hospital at Punag, Tehsil. Nichar in Kinnaur.


Cabinet approved operation and management of Himachal Sarai at Sector 24-D Chandigarh under the Himachal Sewa Sadan Society “HIMSES”, as per memorandum of Association for Registration of Society (Under Society Registration Act, 2006).

The Cabinet approved up-gradation of  Primary, Middle, High and Senior Secondary Schools in various district of the State as announced by Chief Minister on his visits in different districts.

Approval was given for opening of new Patwar Circle in Gram Panchayat Taryambli in Mandi district.

The Cabinet gave its approval for opening of two new patwar circles at Krevathi  in Kumarsain Tehsil and at Thanedhar in Sub Tehsil at Kotgarh in Shimla District along-with two posts of Patwaris.

Nod was given to open new Sub- Tehsil at Pukhari in Chamba district.

The cabinet gave its approval for up-gradation of GHS Taryambli, GHS Saronjh, GHS  Dharmehar and GHS Swad in Mandi district and also gave approval for creation and filling up of three posts of Principals and 15 posts of Post graduate teachers.

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