Governor Acharya Devvrat urged the farmers to adopt zero budget natural farming so that Himachal Pradesh emerged as the organic state in near future like Sikkim State which was declared organic state of the country.
The Governor was speaking in a seminar on organic farming organized by CSK, Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur at Karsog in Mandi district, today.
He said that it was the need of the hour to promote and adopt organic farming and said that it was possible only when every farmer rear domestic cow. He said that one cow could be helpful in farming 30 acres of land and added that it would improve the fertility of the soil, producing maximum yield by using minimum water and getting remunerative price of their product. He said that domestic cow was useful in every respect and with the help of traditional farming, revolution in agro sector could be generated.
He expressed concern that chemical fertilizers and pesticides had been introduced in the name of green revolution and in some extend it increased the production level but degrading the fertility of the soil and products so produced were harmful to the body. He added that some big companies were involved in exploiting the farmers.
The Governor said that number of diseases had increased due to excessive use of chemical farming. He said that best part of adopting natural system of farming was that it has no financial implication and the farmers would not have to outsource from the market as it was prepared naturally by the farmer himself. He said that in natural farming, the farmers should be encouraged to rear domestic cow instead of hybrid one imported from abroad. He said that the cows found in hilly areas were significant in many ways. He said that to produce maximum or double agriculture crops in a limited area, process of natural farming should be adopted.
He appreciated the efforts of scientists of Agriculture University and members of Youth Sustainable Development for promoting organic farming in the state. He expressed happiness in visiting Karsog for the first time and said that people of the state were honest, hardworking, progressive and humble.
The Governor also appealed the farmers to adopt cashless economy.
The Governor also inaugurated exhibition put up by Agriculture University, Palampur and progressive Farmers of the State on organic farming. He took keen interest in organic products displayed in the exhibition.
Dr. Ashok Kumar Saryal, Vice Chancellor, CSK Agriculture University, Palampur honoured the Governor on the occasion and said that due to the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers and chemical products used in agriculture, organic farming was the only solution to improve the fertility of the soil and to produce of healthy agri products. He said that consistent efforts were being done by the University in this direction and said that it was among the few universities in the country who had established separate department of organic farming. He said that vast research work on organic farming was also being done in the university. Although, it was a challenging task, but our scientists were trying their best. He said that farmers camp were being organized throughout the state and every possible assistance and help was also provided to them. He thanked the Governor for sparing time in the seminar.
Dr. P.K. Mehta, Director, extension from Agriculture University also imparted knowledge of organic farming to the farmers. He also stressed upon local marketing and formation of self help groups. Dr. H.L. Sharma, senior scientist also briefed out the benefits, process and organic certification of organic farming and products.
Bihari Lal Sharma, Executive Director, Youth Sustainable Development also briefed out various activities being executed by YSD in the field of organic farming.
Dr. Pankaj Sood, Incharge, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sundernagar and J.P. Saini, Head of the Department, Organic Farming, Agriculture University, Palampur welcomed the Governor on the occasion. They also explained the merits of adopting organic farming and necessity of adopting organic farming in the present pretext.
Hiralal, former MLA, senior scientist from Agriculture University Palampur and Horticulture University, Nauni, progressive farmers of the Karsog area, senior officers and prominent people were also present on the occasion.
The Governor was speaking in a seminar on organic farming organized by CSK, Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur at Karsog in Mandi district, today.
He said that it was the need of the hour to promote and adopt organic farming and said that it was possible only when every farmer rear domestic cow. He said that one cow could be helpful in farming 30 acres of land and added that it would improve the fertility of the soil, producing maximum yield by using minimum water and getting remunerative price of their product. He said that domestic cow was useful in every respect and with the help of traditional farming, revolution in agro sector could be generated.
He expressed concern that chemical fertilizers and pesticides had been introduced in the name of green revolution and in some extend it increased the production level but degrading the fertility of the soil and products so produced were harmful to the body. He added that some big companies were involved in exploiting the farmers.
The Governor said that number of diseases had increased due to excessive use of chemical farming. He said that best part of adopting natural system of farming was that it has no financial implication and the farmers would not have to outsource from the market as it was prepared naturally by the farmer himself. He said that in natural farming, the farmers should be encouraged to rear domestic cow instead of hybrid one imported from abroad. He said that the cows found in hilly areas were significant in many ways. He said that to produce maximum or double agriculture crops in a limited area, process of natural farming should be adopted.
He appreciated the efforts of scientists of Agriculture University and members of Youth Sustainable Development for promoting organic farming in the state. He expressed happiness in visiting Karsog for the first time and said that people of the state were honest, hardworking, progressive and humble.
The Governor also appealed the farmers to adopt cashless economy.
The Governor also inaugurated exhibition put up by Agriculture University, Palampur and progressive Farmers of the State on organic farming. He took keen interest in organic products displayed in the exhibition.
Dr. Ashok Kumar Saryal, Vice Chancellor, CSK Agriculture University, Palampur honoured the Governor on the occasion and said that due to the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers and chemical products used in agriculture, organic farming was the only solution to improve the fertility of the soil and to produce of healthy agri products. He said that consistent efforts were being done by the University in this direction and said that it was among the few universities in the country who had established separate department of organic farming. He said that vast research work on organic farming was also being done in the university. Although, it was a challenging task, but our scientists were trying their best. He said that farmers camp were being organized throughout the state and every possible assistance and help was also provided to them. He thanked the Governor for sparing time in the seminar.
Dr. P.K. Mehta, Director, extension from Agriculture University also imparted knowledge of organic farming to the farmers. He also stressed upon local marketing and formation of self help groups. Dr. H.L. Sharma, senior scientist also briefed out the benefits, process and organic certification of organic farming and products.
Bihari Lal Sharma, Executive Director, Youth Sustainable Development also briefed out various activities being executed by YSD in the field of organic farming.
Dr. Pankaj Sood, Incharge, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sundernagar and J.P. Saini, Head of the Department, Organic Farming, Agriculture University, Palampur welcomed the Governor on the occasion. They also explained the merits of adopting organic farming and necessity of adopting organic farming in the present pretext.
Hiralal, former MLA, senior scientist from Agriculture University Palampur and Horticulture University, Nauni, progressive farmers of the Karsog area, senior officers and prominent people were also present on the occasion.
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