HPPSC Notification for Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Allied Services/ Posts Examination 2016

Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Allied Services
Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Allied Services/ Posts Examination Notification: Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission invited applications for Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Allied Services/ Posts Examination 2016. Candidates can apply for the examination on or before 20 April 2016.
Name of the Department Post Name Vacancies
Social Justice & Empowerment in the Department of SC, OBC & Minority Affairs Tehsil Welfare
Excise and Taxation Excise& Taxation
Panchayati Raj Panchayat Inspector 05
Cooperation Inspector (Audit)
Election Election Kanungo 10
Total 71
The Commission invited applications for a total of 71 vacancies in various Departments. Recruitments are open for the posts of Tehsil Welfare Officer, Excise & Taxation Inspectors, Panchayat Inspector, Inspector (Audit) Cooperative Societies and Election Kanungo.
Interested candidates should meet the minimum eligibility criteria set by the Commission. While the minimum educational qualification is graduation; Knowledge of Customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh is desirable. Candidates must also be in the age group of 18-25 years (as on 01 January 2016). Five years relaxation in upper age limit is admissible only to the bonafide SC of H.P. / ST of H.P. / OBC of H.P. /WFF of H.P. / Persons with disabilities of Himachal Pradesh. For H.P. Govt. employees and Ex-servicemen of H.P.; age relaxation is as per Government’s instructions issued from time to time.
Initially, an objective type Screening Test of three hours’ duration, will be conducted consisting of one paper of 200 Questions one mark each of multiple choice answers for short listing the candidates for the Main examination. The marks obtained by the candidates in the screening test will not be counted for determining their final order of merit. The number of candidates to be called for (Main) written examination will be 20 times of the total number of posts advertised. The candidates having been declared qualified in the Screening test will be entitled for admission to the (Main) written examination consisting of three papers. The candidate shall have to pass all the three subjects. Provided further that marks obtained by the candidates in the main examination (written part as well as interview) would determine their final ranking. The candidates, who will qualify the main written examination on the basis of merit shall be called for Viva-Voce Test/personal interview. The total number of candidates to be called for viva voce on the basis of written examination shall be three times the total number of posts advertised. The viva voce will be of 100 marks. The marks obtained by the candidates in the Main written examination as well as in the viva-voce would determine their final merit.
Further information in this regard can be found from the link given below.

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