1600 open heart surgeries performed at IGMC

The department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery of Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) Shimla is celebrating the 10th anniversary of starting of Cardiac Surgery Centre on 12th December, 2015.
A Spokesman of the IGMC, Shimla said here today the first Open heart operation was performed at IGMC on 12 December, 2005 with the assistance of a team from AIIMS, New Delhi. Since then, the Cardiac Surgery team had made rapid strides in the field. In a period of ten years, the CTVS department had performed 1600 open heart surgeries with a success rate close to 98 percent.

He said all types of Open Heart Surgeries including CABG, Valve replacement and surgery for Congenital Heart diseases were being regularly performed and on an average 25 Open Heart Surgeries were being done every month.
Majority of the patients have received assistance from the Chief Minister Relief Fund. With the introduction of Rashtriya Swasthya Beema Yojna and School Health Programme, more and more patients were availing this facility.
He said the department had also started M.Ch. in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery since 2011.
IGMC, Shimla is the only State Government Institution in north India which is providing open heart surgery facility and running superspeciality course (M.Ch. programme).

In recognition of this achievement of starting Open Heart Surgery in this hilly State Dr. Rajnish Pathania, Head, CTVS and the Open Heart Surgery team were awarded the Himachal Pradesh Civil Sewa Award for the year 2010.

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