Draft electoral rolls for MC Shimla

A Spokesman of State Election Commission said here today that the Commission had directed the district administration, Shimla to prepare draft electoral rolls of Municipal Corporation Shimla, which would be prepared as per the up-to-date data based on 1st January, 2015 of Election Commission of India (ECI).
He said that in this process registered new voters of ECI would be included in their concerned Municipal Corporation ward or polling booth besides the names of deceased and migrated voters would be deleted from the list of MC area. He said that photo identity card numbers of all the voters would be displayed in the voter lists.
The Spokesman further said that district administration would give an option to those electors who had registered their name in more than one ward or registered in panchayat or urban local bodies other than municipal corporation Shimla. He said that they should register their names in one place for which notice would be issued for registering themselves within seven days.
He said that district administration, Shimla would prepare draft electoral rolls upto 10th June, 2015.

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