Consumers urged to deposit ration card forms by 20th January

Director, Food and Civil Supplies Department Shri Priyatu Mandal said here today that the process of making AADHAR based ration cards under National Food Security Act- 2013 had been started in the State. He said that Chief Minister Shri Virbhadra Singh has appealed to the people of the State to deposit forms in this regard with Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department by 20th January, 2014 for making AADHAR based ration cards. He said that the ration under Public Distribution System would only be provided on the basis of new ration cards to the consumers in near future.
The forms for making AADHAR based new ration cards could be obtained from Panchayat Secretary/Panchayat Sahayak in the rural areas and from Inspector of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumers Department and Fair Price Shops set up under Public Distribution System in the urban area. 
He said that completely filled forms should be deposited with Panchayat Secretary/Sahayak in rural areas and in the office of Inspector of the department in urban areas by 20th January, 2014. 
Shri Mandal said that special emphasis had been given for empowerment of women in National Food Security Act and provision had been made to issue the ration card on the name of senior most woman member of the family. He said that if the age of woman member of the family was below 18 years, then only, the new ration card would be issued on the name of senior male member of the family and it would be transferred to the woman member after she attains the age of 18 years. 
The Director said that for more information one can contact on toll free telephone number 18001808026 and on the website of department 
He said that Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department was implementing a comprehensive programme for computerization of Public Distribution System for bringing transparency in the system for benefiting the consumers.

Update: Last date for making AADHAR based ration cards extended upto 31st January, 2014. See More here - Click

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