Revenue and Health Minister Thakur Kaul Singh said that the State Government would provide full support to people of Himachal Pradesh settled in various parts of the country to preserve rich cultural heritage and tradition of the State. Shri Kaul Singh was addressing the people on the occasion of annual ‘Sayar Utsav’ held at Shah Auditorium, New Delhi today.
Revenue and Health Minister said that the State Government would prepare a ‘Data Bank’ of Himachalis so that they could be connected with the development in the State. He said that all the Himachali Organisations working in Metropolitan Cities in the country should establish better coordination as they were acting as ‘Brand Ambassador’ of the State. He also suggested them to establish ‘Himachal Bhawan’ so that they could get an appropriate place for celebrating various Himachali functions and festivals for better emotional integration.
Thakur Kaul Singh suggested various Himachali organisations to print detailed directories so that in the present era of communication, instant contact could be established. He also advised them to go for social media like Facebook and Twitter for fast and easy coordination and contact.
Revenue and Health Minister said that the State Government has adopted the Election Manifesto of Congress Party as its policy document and all the commitments made in the manifesto would be fulfilled at the earliest.
He also detailed various activities and developmental works initiated by the State Government.
He announced an amount of Rs. 11000 from his discretionary fund for students presenting cultural programme on the occasion.
Revenue and Health Minister said that the State Government would prepare a ‘Data Bank’ of Himachalis so that they could be connected with the development in the State. He said that all the Himachali Organisations working in Metropolitan Cities in the country should establish better coordination as they were acting as ‘Brand Ambassador’ of the State. He also suggested them to establish ‘Himachal Bhawan’ so that they could get an appropriate place for celebrating various Himachali functions and festivals for better emotional integration.
Thakur Kaul Singh suggested various Himachali organisations to print detailed directories so that in the present era of communication, instant contact could be established. He also advised them to go for social media like Facebook and Twitter for fast and easy coordination and contact.
Revenue and Health Minister said that the State Government has adopted the Election Manifesto of Congress Party as its policy document and all the commitments made in the manifesto would be fulfilled at the earliest.
He also detailed various activities and developmental works initiated by the State Government.
He announced an amount of Rs. 11000 from his discretionary fund for students presenting cultural programme on the occasion.
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