Mayo Orphanage & Boarding School – Now Government Degree College
Mayo Orphanage was opened in the time of Lord Mayo, who was Viceroy of India from 12 Jan 1869 to 8 Feb 1872. Of Irish descent, Richard Bourke, 6th Earl of Mayo was popularly known as Lord Mayo.
Mayo Orphanage and Boarding School for girls of European descent was established in April 1869 through efforts of Mrs. Harriet Christina Tytler as a mixed orphanage for destitute children of both sexes, in two departments, one for Europeans and Eurasians and the other for natives. It was also known as Himalayan Christina Orphanage and the campus as North Stoneham. Since it faced financial difficulties the orphanage was taken over by a committee in 1872, and the Orphanage and Boarding School was started for European and Eurasian girls only. The building was rebuilt in 1904 on old site at a cost of Rs 73,545 of which Rs 25,000 was utilized through the savings of the school for the last 25 years. New building was opened for use on March 1, 1905 during the Lieutenant-Governorship of Sir Charles Rivoz, K.C.S.I., and the Episcopate of the Reverend George Alfred Lefroy, D.D., and the third Bishop of Lahore. The Structure was designed by the Architect A. Gaddock Esq. and built by the builder, Messrs. Rivertt and Sons. Now the School accommodated 80-90 children and building had all modern facilities of the time. The committee was headed by the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab as President, and the Bishop of Lahore was Vice-President. The Chaplain of Simla was ex-officio Secretary. In addition school had 9 elected members of whom 4 were ladies. The Mayo School was registered under Act XXI of 1860.
Mrs. Harriet Christina Tytler, the founder of this Mayo School, was the second wife of Robert Tytler who was a British soldier, naturalist and a photographer. Harriet was well known for her work in documenting the monuments of Delhi and for her notes at the time of the 1857 revolt for freedom in India.
After independence, this institution was converted into a B.Ed/B.T. College for girls affiliated to Punjab University, till it attained its present position.
Now the building accommodates co-educational institute Government Degree College affiliated to HP University, running streams of Arts, Science, Commerce and Computer with hostel facility for both boys and girls. It started in 1969, in affiliation to Punjab University but in 1970 was affiliated to HP University.
Related: Hills of Shimla 1905
As for the building is concerned architecturally it has lost it plumage, caps and environment etc. Supporting twin towers on both sides of the building no more boast of octagonal roofs and two beautiful gables with small round glass windows have not been restored.
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