CM presides over installation ceremony of St. Bedes College

Chief Minister Shri Virbhadra Singh said that State Government was according top priority to the education sector and every effort was being made to provide state of the art education facilities to the youth of the state nearer to their homes. The policy of the State was to promote education, health and social welfare and give an opportunity to all to march ahead.

Chief Minister Shri Virbhadra Singh with the staff and office bearers after presiding over the Installation (Oath) Ceremony of the office bearers at Saint Bedes College in Shimla on 28-08-14

Chief Minister was presiding over the Installation (Oath) Ceremony of the students who were elected as office bearers in a simple yet an impressive oath taking ceremony at Saint Bedes College here today.

The Chief Minister said that he felt elated to be with on the occasion wherein the newly elected representatives had taken oath in most peaceful and dignified manner.

He said that the students should give their hundred percent in every field as they were the future of the country and with sincerity, dedication and devotion they will take India to new heights.

“This college has rich legacy and history and is proud to be an alma-mater of many girl students who are shining in almost every sphere of life and are working on key positions in the state and country as well”, said the Chief Minister, and hoped that this premier Institution would become a ‘beacon light’ in the field of education.

Shri Virbhadra Singh said that in this tenure, 14 new degree Colleges had been opened in the remotest areas of the State with a purpose to reach the students of those backward areas who can’t come to the towns and cities. “Such a move of the Government has yielded best results and today number of girl students was more in such colleges”, he said adding that we sincerely want that Girl students get quality higher education near to their homes. A sum of Rs. 5 crore each, have also been sanctioned for building works of these colleges.

The State Government was also providing Net-Books to 7500 meritorious students of class 10th and 12th in this financial year under Rajiv Gandhi Digital Yojna.

He said that equal emphasis was being laid at school level Education and Government had upgraded and opened about 650 schools in the State.

The Chief Minister said that he was glad to know that the elections  were held in a democratic manner in this college.  “I hope that the office bearers, during their tenure will work in a befitting manner in the interest of the Students and will maintain the harmony”, he added.

Speaking on Rashtriya Ucchtar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), he said that we had introduced RUSA in the State and this type of system, by and large in the country was prevalent in all educational institutions. RUSA was being opposed by few but  he personally  feel the hard working students were not finding it difficult path. The system was also being opposed by few teachers which was not in the interest of the students. “One has to study under RUSA as a wider choice of subjects is available” he said.

“I hope that the college management will continue with its missionary zeal of turning the young minds into productive and responsible citizens of the state and country”, he said.

He congratulated the college management and students on the occasion for Installation Ceremony and wished the students a prosperous and bright future.

The Chief Minister also released a book titled ‘Challenges of Globalisation’ edited by Dr. Anupama Tandon, Associate professor and head of the department of Economics.

Earlier, the Admiral of the college Ms Ashwarya Parmar led the office bearers into the auditorium  with the college flag held high along-with as many as 90 other office bearers, including the captains and vice captains. They all were administered oath of the office by the principal of the college. The Chief Minister honoured the Admiral of the College, the Captain, and the Vice captain with ‘Sash’ around their shoulder.

Earlier, Sister Beena John, principal, welcomed the Chief Minister and other distinguished guests on the occasion and briefed about the activities of the college. She also thanked the Chief Minister for providing 95% grant-in-aid to the college. The principal also handed over a token of appreciation to the Chief Minister on the occasion.

Dr. Geetanjali Mahendra proposed Vote of thanks.

A colourful and dazzling cultural programme was also presented on the occasion.

Manager, Sister Alma, Bursar, Sister Maririta, were present on the occasion amongst the parents and other faculty members including the staff and the students.

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