256 metric tonne apples procured under Market Intervention Scheme

A spokesman of Horticulture Department said here today that 255.516 metric tonne apples have been procured under Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) upto 25th August, 2014.

He said that 254.742 metric tonne apples have been procured by HPMC and 0.774 metric tonne by HIMFED under MIS during the period. He said that so far 151 apple collection centres have been opened by HPMC and HIMFED out of which 80 centres were opened by HPMC and 71 centres by HIMFED.

He said that 6511070 apple boxes i.e. 130221.40 metric tonne were exported outside the State as on 23rd August through 14464 trucks.

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