Budget 2014-2015

The main highlights of Budget 2014-2015 :-


  • Annual Plan Outlay of Rs. 4,400 Crore proposed for 2014-15.
  • Project proposal of Rs. 1,507 Crore posed to Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for Forest Ecosystems management and livelihood project.
  • Public Services Delivery Helpline to be set up for the people of the State.
  • A facility of Toll Free telephone number to be created for reporting the cases of corruption in the Government Departments.
  • Delegation of Financial and Administrative Powers in all Departments to enhance efficiency and speed up delivery of service.
  • Public Private Partnership Cells to be established in PWD, IPH, Urban Development, Tourism, Transport and Health to bring more investment in these sectors.
  • To make Result Frame Document (RFD) public oriented, each Department will work out five to seven measurable outputs, which directly benefit general public.
  • Lok Mitra Kendras will be opened in Himachal Bhawans at New Delhi and Chandigarh to facilitate Himachalis living there.
  • E-office to be started in 10 offices.
  • A budget provision of Rs. 220 Crore kept under the State Subsidy Scheme for PDS.
  • A project of Rs. 14.23 Crore to be implemented for computerisation of ration cards and automation of supply chain of PDS.
  • Additional food grain storage capacity of 30,000 MT to be created over next four years.
  • Additional 4,000 Hectare area to be brought under off-season vegetables for which an allocation of Rs. 55 Crore made.
  • Dr. Y. S, Parmar Kisan Swarozgar Yojana to be introduced with an outlay of Rs. 100 Crore. 85% subsidy to be provided for the construction of poly-houses.
  • Coffee Cultivation to be explored in the Districts of Kangra, Mandi, Una & Bilaspur.
  • Mukhya Mantri Adarsh Krishi Gaon Yojana to continue and one additional Panchayat of each Assembly Constituency will be provided Rs. 10 lakh.
  • 15 Lakh Sq. Metre to be brought under protection from hailstorm by providing quality anti-hail nets to orchardists.
  • 1,500 Hectare area will be brought under revamped Apple Rejuvenation Project.
  • Weather based Crop Insurance Scheme shall be expanded to cover additional blocks under apple and mango and shall also cover additional fruits like Peach, Plum and Kinnow in specified blocks.
  • All private investors investing in Controlled Atmosphere Stores in the rural areas of the State, to be provided Government land at token lease money of Rs. 1.
  • One Apple Juice Concentrate Unit costing Rs. 15 Crore will be set up in District Shimla by HPMC.
  • Two Vegetable Pack Houses with an investment of Rs. 8 Crore to be set up in Ghumarwin and Nadaun.
  • A new Liquid Nitrogen Gas Plant amounting to Rs. 4 Crore to be set up in Palampur.
  • An allocation of Rs. 10 Crore made to provide hand driven and power driven chaff cutters for livestock owners.
  • Procurement price of different varieties of wool increased ranging from 7.5% to 32.5%.
  • Possibility of using Sexed Semen technique to be explored to reduce stray cattle menace.
  • Demonstration project on Cage fish culture to be started in Gobind Sagar and Pong reservoirs.
  • Mobile fish market scheme to be started for marketing of fish.
  • All State Fish Growers to be covered under premium free “Group Accidental Fishermen Insurance Scheme”.
  • For eradication of lantana, additional 10,000 hectare area will be covered.
  • Habitat plantation enrichment, sterlisation and other measures to be adopted for controlling monkey menace.
  • Enhancement of compensation from Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 1,50,000 in case of death of a human caused by wild animal and in case of grievous injury the compensation enhanced from Rs. 33,000 to Rs. 75,000.
  • TD rules liberalised. Now TD will be given to right holders for construction and repair of house after 15 and 5 years respectively instead of earlier period of 30 and 15 years.
  • Three new ICDP projects to be started in District Kangra, Shimla and Kullu with an outlay of Rs. 85 Crore.
  • 20% funds under Decentralised planning earmarked for convergence under MGNREGA.
  • Rs. 90 Crore will be spent under ‘Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan’. Thrust on Solid and Liquid waste management in rural areas to be given in next year.
  • 10 additional blocks to be covered under Intensive mode under NRLM programme.
  • 3,500 women based Self-Help Groups (SHGs) would be assisted to achieve credit mobilization target of Rs. 100 Crore.
  • 10,700 new houses to be constructed under various housing schemes with a grant of Rs. 75,000 per house.
  • Provision made for repair of houses for BPL general category houses under Rajiv Awaas Yojana.
  • An expenditure of Rs. 190 Crore will be incurred for implementing Integrated Watershed Management Programme covering 25,000 Hectare area.
  • The State Government will transfer Rs. 476 Crore to PRIs and Rs. 382 Crore to ULBs for the years 2012-2017 as recommended by 4th State Finance Commission.
  • 245 vacant posts of Panchayat Sahayaks will be filled up to ensure timely delivery of services.
  • 200 Gram Panchayat Offices will be upgraded and 1,425 Lap-Tops will be provided under Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Sashaktikaran Abhiyan at the cost of Rs. 55 Crore.
  • Grant-in-aid to Gram Panchayats for payment of honorarium to Panchayat Chowkidar to be increased from Rs. 1,650 to Rs. 1,850 per month.
  • Honorarium of the representatives of PRIs increased from 1st April, 2014.
  • A special drive to be launched to reduce the pendency of revenue court cases by 20%.
  • Water ATMs to be installed at important destinations.
  • Rs. 240 Crore to be provided as energy charges to IPH to provide drinking water and irrigation facilities at an affordable cost.
  • Swan Channelisation from Daulatpur Bridge to Gagret Bridge costing Rs. 922 Crore and Channelisation of Chounch Khad costing Rs. 180 Crore to be taken up.
  • A budget outlay of Rs. 1,500 Crore proposed for Irrigation and Public health.
  • 2,000 MW additional hydro-power capacity targeted for commissioning in 2014-15.
  • Streamlined the process for project clearances for Small Hydro Power Projects.
  • Free power from 2 Mega Watt projects to be reduced from 7% to 3%
  • Preference to Himachalis for allotment of projects upto 5 MW.
  • State VAT on plant and machinery of Hydro-Power Projects will be given full set-off of 5% Entry Tax.
  • VAT on all type of plant and machinery used in generation of hydro-power, to be reduced to only 2%.
  • State Government to take over the liability of Rs. 564 Crore of the loan outstanding against the HPSEBL.
  • Cheaper electricity from SJVNL, which the State gets on account of its equity of 25%, to be given to HPSEBL for its lifetime to ensure low-priced electricity supply to the consumers.
  • Rs. 330 Crore subsidy to be provided to HPSEBL to subsidise domestic consumers.
  • 2 MW Solar Photo-Voltaic Power Plant to be set up in Kaza.
  • An allocation of Rs. 985 Crore made for MPP and Power department.
  • ‘HP Investment Promotion Cell’ to be set up to drive new investment in the State.
  • An ‘Industry Advisory Council’ to be set up for industrial development in the State.
  • New ‘State of Art’ Industrial Areas to be developed at Pandoga in District Una and Kandrori in District Kangra with an investment of Rs. 219 Crore.
  • A Tool Room at Baddi with an estimated cost of about Rs. 147 Crores to be established.
  • Approval for purchase of land for industrial units under Section-118 of HP Tenancy and Land Reforms Act simplified.
  • Specified EHT industrial units to pay electricity Duty at reduced rate of 15 %.
  • Existing Medium and large industries to pay electricity duty at a reduced rate of 13%. Such new units to pay only 5% electricity duty for five years.
  • Existing small industry to pay electricity duty at a reduced rate of 7% and new unit to pay only 2% for five years.
  • Any new industry, employing more than 300 Himachalis, will be charged only 2% electricity duty for five years.
  • For setting up a new industrial enterprise in the State, only 50% stamp duty to be charged.
  • Conversion of land use charges for the new industries to be reduced by 50% from the existing rates.
  • 1,300 new buses for HRTC.
  • Rs. 516 Crore Project proposals under Rural Roads Project Phase‐II sanctioned.
  • Tunnels to be constructed under PPP mode.
  • Work on ‘Four laning of Parwanoo - Shimla Highway’ to be done on BOT basis at a cost of Rs. 2,500 Crore.
  • Work on ‘Four laning of Kiratpur - Nerchowk Highway awarded for Rs. 1,818 Crore.
  • An outlay of Rs. 2,384 Crore proposed for Public Works department.
  • Rail line to be extended to Baddi from any feasible rail point. State government to contribute 50% for this project.
  • The facility of filing e-returns, e-tax payment, e-declaration and issuance of statutory forms on-line extended to all the registered dealers of the State with effect from 1st July, 2014.
  • The dealers will be provided the facility of making tax payment directly in the banks.
  • From 1stMarch, 2014, the Trucks with full e-declarations of Goods will not be required to stop at barriers mandatorily, while exiting from the State.
  • Toll tax barriers to be auctioned for a period of three years to ensure development of modern toll infrastructure.
  • Sustainable tourism action plan to be formulated for Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spiti.
  • Greenfield airport project to be explored near Kandaghat and survey for developing an airport in Mandi district to be done.
  • Government to initiate large number of ropeway projects in the State.
  • Luxury Tax exempted for a period of 10 years for New Hotels opened in the rural areas of the State.
  • ICT at School Scheme (Phase II) to cover 618 Government Senior Secondary Schools, 848 High Schools and 5 Smart Schools.
  • Net Books (Lap Tops) to be provided to 7,500 meritorious students of Class-10th &12th during 2014-15.
  • Vocational Education to be extended in additional 100 schools. 200 Vocational Teachers to be appointed in these schools in 2014-15.
  • Project proposal of Rs. 956 Crore posed to Government of India under RUSA.
  • Budget outlay of Rs. 4,282 Crore earmarked for Education sector.
  • One Government Engineering College to be opened in Nagrota Bagwan under RUSA.
  • Skill development allowance scheme liberalised to cover maximum youths. A budget provision of Rs. 100 Crore kept for Skill development initiatives.
  • Budget provision of Rs. 5 Crore for creating a revolving fund for upkeep and pooja-archana of temples.
  • A City Museum & Entertainment Park to be set up in the heart of Shimla city.
  • Financial assistance for bulk purchase of books of Himachali writers raised from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 25,000 for State Awardees and Rs. 6,000 to Rs. 15,000 for other writers.
  • Annual grant of Youth Clubs for procurement of sports equipments and cultural instruments increased from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 18,000.
  • 50 posts of Coaches and 13 posts of Groundsmen to be created , to give boost to sports activities.
  • All accredited correspondents of Himachal Pradesh exempted from payment of Toll Fee at the time of entry in the State.
  • Rs. 1 Crore earmarked for construction of Press Clubs.
  • Cheaper and quality Generic Drugs to be provided to the people of the State. Drug warehouses to be established in the State.
  • Mobile Medical Units to be set up for better health care services in far-flung areas.
  • Trauma Centres to be set up at Nurpur, Rampur and Kullu.
  • Kamla Nehru Hospital at Shimla to be upgraded as full-fledged Mother-Child Hospital.
  • Mother and Child hospital to be set up in Mandi.
  • Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana to cover Sanitation workers, ragpickers, Auto Rickshaw drivers and Taxi drivers etc.
  • A budget provision of Rs. 1,050 kept for Health and Medical Education sector.
  • Water supply schemes to be augmented in Sujan pur, Rampur, Nagrota, Kangra, Mandi, Kullu and Manali at a cost of Rs. 183 Crore.
  • Four Modern Abattoirs to be set up at a cost of Rs. 15 Crore each.
  • Sewerage Schemes to be constructed for Baddi and Nalagarh towns at an estimated cost of Rs. 90 Crore.
  • City livelihood centre to be established in Shimla.
  • Honourarium for the elected representatives of Municipal Corporation, Shimla, Municipal Councils and Nagar Panchayats increased.
  • Procedures for permission under Town and Country Planning Act to be simplified. Areas under the purview of TCP Act to be rationalised.
  • Reservation of two seats to be provided in all Government institutes for acquiring higher education including technical and professional education for single girl child.
  • ICDS to be implemented in the State in Mission Mode and an amount of Rs. 130 Crore proposed under the programme during 2014-15.
  • An allocation of Rs. 1,108 Crore proposed for Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan for 2014-15 and has been increased to 25.19% of Plan outlay as compared to 24.72% given in 2013-14.
  • Social Security Pension increased from Rs. 500 to Rs. 550 per month.
  • All persons above the age of 80 years to get Social Security Pension irrespective of any income limit except those drawing any other pension.
  • Persons with above 70% disability to get higher pension at the rate of Rs. 750 per month. Marriage grant for them to be raised to Rs. 40,000.
  • Housing Subsidy for repair of houses of SCs, STs & OBCs increased from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 25,000.
  • A uniform income limit of Rs. 35,000 per annum fixed for eligibility to avail benefit under various schemes.
  • An allocation of Rs. 924 Crore proposed for the development of tribal areas for 2014-15.
  • Financial Assistance of World War-II Veterans increased from Rs. 750 to Rs. 2,000.
  • Annuity of Gallantry Award Winners increased from Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 5,000.
  • Rs. 2 Crore to be provided for establishment of War Memorial Museum at Dharamshala.
  • ‘Samman Rashi’ of wives and daughters of late freedom fighter enhanced from Rs. 3,500 to Rs. 5,000.
  • Marriage grant to the daughters and grand-daughters of the Freedom Fighters enhanced to Rs. 51,000 in case of daughters and 21,000 in case of grand-daughters.
  • Two Women Police Stations to be established in Shimla and Dharamshala.
  • Ration Allowance of Constables, Head Constables, ASIs, SIs, and Inspectors increased from Rs. 150 to Rs. 180 per month.
  • Honorarium of Home Guards increased from Rs. 225 to Rs. 260 per day. Rank allowance increased by 20%.
  • 5,000 functional posts to be filled up in different departments.
  • Daily Wages increased from Rs. 150 to Rs. 170.
  • All Daily Wagers completing seven years of service as on 31st March, 2014 to be regularised.
  • All Contractual Employees, completing six years of service as on 31st March, 2014, will be regularised. Their leave benefits increased. They will also be brought under RSBY scheme.
  • Monthly honorarium of Part Time Water Carriers increased from Rs. 1,300 to Rs. 1,500.
  • Part-timers completing eight years of services as on 31st March, 2014 to be made daily wagers.
  • Monthly honourarium of Tailoring Teachers increased from Rs. 1,600 to Rs. 2,000.
  • Additional honorarium to Anganwari workers, helpers increased by 50%.
  • Pensioners on attaining the age of 65-70, 70-75 and 75-80 years will be given pension allowance of 5%, 10% and 15% respectively. Benefit of Dual Family Pension to the families of Military Family Pensioners granted from 2014-15.
  • 10% Dearness Allowance to be given to all the State Government employees and pensioners.


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