Himachal Pradesh chief minister Virbhadra Singh on Wednesday said that issue of development of Shimla runway at Jubberhatti would be taken up on priority with the Airports Authority of India (AAI). He said that if AAI will refuse for expanding the airstrip, then state government would do the needful through its own resources.
Chief minister said this while speaking at the concluding ceremony of two-day long traditional 'Anokhi Dali' fair at Jubbarhatti, near Shimla. He said that state government had developed Jubberhatti runway through its own resources and later handed it over to AAI for operation.
"The flights on this Airport were not being operated since last one year as the concerned Airline had closed its services whereas Air India and other airlines with bigger aircrafts cannot land here as they lack facility of smaller jets," he added. He said that if Airport Authority refused for expanding the airstrip, then State Government would do the needful through its resources.
Virbhadra Singh said that he had laid the foundation stone of Katasani cricket stadium near Jubberhatti during his previous term but BJP government took no interest in constructing the stadium and funds allocated were diverted elsewhere. He requested the local people to come forward in providing land voluntarily so that government could develop a multi-purpose sports stadium at Katasani.
He said that the 'Anokhi Dali' was the traditional fair used to be held at the place where airport presently exists.
Virbhadra Singh said 24 roads would be widened in Shimla Rural constituency by approximately Rs 100 crores and a dental college and shooting range would also be established at Nehra in Shakrah Panchayat. He said the second campus of the HP University would also be established in this constituency.
Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/Himachal-CM-demands-expansion-of-Shimla-airport/articleshow/26894255.cms
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