The 86th Founder’s Day of Jogindra Gymkhana Club Mandi was celebrated at Mandi yesterday evening with gaiety. Shri Virbhadra Singh, Chief Minister, who is also Pattern of the Club, presided over the function.
Chief Minister on the occasion said that Jogindra Gymkhana Club was one of the oldest clubs of Himachal Pradesh which was still running smoothly and effectively with various activities by the elected members of the Managing Committee. He complemented all the members of Club on founder’s day and urged them to keep this healthy tradition alive.
Chief Minister honoured the members who had been associated with the club for over 50 years. On the demand of the club members, Chief Minister assured that boundary wall of the club would be constructed for which he asked the managing committee to prepare the estimate. He also assured that efforts would be made to solve the drinking water problem in the club premises. He said that assistance would also be provided for relaying the Lawn Tennis Court in club.
Shri Virbhadra Singh also released the souvenir of club on the occasion.
Shri R.P. Kapoor, President of Jogindra Gymkhana Club welcomed the Chief Minister and Shri Narender Kaushal presented vote of thanks.
President and members of the managing committee of Gymkhana Club honoured the Chief Minister Shri Virbhadra Singh, Shri Kaul Singh Thakur, Health Minister, who is also the pattern of the club and Shri Sohan Lal, Chief Parliamentary Secretary by presenting them mementoes.
Earlier, the President and members of managing committee presented a cheque of Rs. One lakh to Chief Minister towards Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.
Chief Minister thanked them for their contribution and said that the donated money would help in providing relief to the poor and needy persons.
Shri T.G.Negi, Advisor to Chief Minister, Shri Amit Pal Singh, OSD to Chief Minister, Shri Devesh Kumar, Deputy Commissioner Mandi Shri R.S.Negi, Superintendent of Police Mandi, other senior officers, members of the club and eminent persons of Mandi town were also present on the occasion among others.
86th Founder’s Day of Jogindra Gymkhana Club Celebrated
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