Chief Minister Rural Transport Scheme-2013 (Own-Your-Own Vehicle)

(Last Date of Application 28.09.2013)

Himachal Road Transport Corporation has framed Chief Minister Rural Transport Scheme (Own-Your-Own Vehicle) to provide transport facilities in the areas not adequately served and providing an opportunity to the un-employed youth of the State / retired HRTC Employees to earn their livelihood. Under this scheme the buses will be put in operation with HRTC after entering into a contractual operating agreement with the selected applicant. HRTC will facilitate the selected applicant in procuring the vehicle in his name after negotiation with financial institutions and vehicle manufacturers. The main features of the scheme are as under:-

i) For providing 17-20 seater buses, the Corporation will pay minimum guarantee amount of Rs. 44,500/- per month (i.e. Driver salary Rs. 6,000/-, Diesel expenditure Rs. 24,500/-, tyres expenditure Rs. 3,700/-, Repair & Spare Parts Rs. 2500/-, Misc & token tax expenditure Rs. 1,800/- and profit margin Rs. 6,000/-) to the selected applicants. The Corporation will make the repayment from first year and subsequent insurance after first year amounting to Rs. 18,500/- (i.e. Repayment Rs. 16,000/- & Insurance Rs. 2,500/-) directly to the banks/insurance companies. 

ii) For providing 30 seater buses, the Corporation will pay minimum guarantee amount of Rs. 70,250/-per month (i.e. Driver salary Rs. 6,000/-, Diesel expenditure Rs. 47,000/-, tyres expenditure Rs. 4,500/-, Repair & Spare Parts Rs. 3,500/-, Misc & token tax expenditure Rs. 2,250/- and profit margin Rs. 7,000/-) to the selected applicants. The Corporation will make the repayment from first year and subsequent insurance after
first year amounting to Rs. 26,500/- (i.e. Repayment Rs. 23,000/- & Insurance Rs. 3,500/-) directly to the banks/insurance companies.

iii) The applicant has to deposit a sum of Rs. 2,00,000/- for 17-20 Seater and Rs. 3,00,000/- for 30 seater bus in the shape of bank draft as security deposit in name of “Managing Director, HRTC” payable at Shimla before the agreement is signed. The amount shall be non-interest bearing and refundable within seven days after 8 years from the date of signing the agreement.

iv) The Corporation will act as guarantor with financial institutions/banks in arranging finance to the selected applicants. The margin money for the purchase of bus shall be paid by HRTC, out of the security deposit.

v) The buses shall be deployed by HRTC for a period of six years in the first instance. However contract can be renewed for another two years subject satisfactory service and maintenance.

vi) The applicants will be selected as per criteria given below:-
a) 50% (15% - SC & 15% -OBC) Unemployed youths of the State.
b) 25% ( 15% Widows of HRTC employees) Widows of the State.
c) 20% Retired HRTC employees.
d) 5% Widows of HRTC employees who died on duty.

vii) An applicant can apply at the maximum for three routes in order of preference but only one route will be allotted to the selected applicant.

viii) The rates will be revised by increasing the profit margin factor by 10% every year.

ix) In case of increase/decrease in diesel prices, the rate per kilometer will be revised as per the formula given in the Scheme applicable.

For detailed terms and conditions, application format and list of routes, please download/read Scheme Document available at HRTC website by clicking on Tenders Link and same is also available in the offices of Head Office/Divisional/Regional Manager Offices of the HRTC against payment of Rs. 500/-. The applications only on the prescribed format will be accepted. The Managing Director reserves the right to Accept/Reject any application without assigning any reasons.

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