The fishermen of the State now won’t have to go through the hassle of registering First Information Report and formalities of autopsy during the accidental death while fishing for availing benefits under Fisherman Accident Insurance Scheme (FAIS). Forest and Fisheries Minister Shri Thakur Singh Bharmouri said here today that instead the benefits of the Scheme now could be availed by submitting a certificate issued by Government Hospital and on Police report to the concerned authorities.
He said that under the FAIS Rs. one lakh were being provided in case of death of fisherman while fishing and Rs. 50,000 for permanent disability.
The Minister said that the total production of fish was 369.2 metric tonne during the two months and before fishing season was closed which was 153.9 metric tonne more than the production of previous year. He said that after the ban was lifted, 63.5 metric tonne fish were produced in a single day on 1st August, 2013 which was 47.3 metric tonne more as compared to previous year produce on the same day.
Shri Bharmouri said that a team of scientists from Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute Barackpur, Calcutta would visit the State to conduct study for increasing the fish production in the State.
He said that under the FAIS Rs. one lakh were being provided in case of death of fisherman while fishing and Rs. 50,000 for permanent disability.
The Minister said that the total production of fish was 369.2 metric tonne during the two months and before fishing season was closed which was 153.9 metric tonne more than the production of previous year. He said that after the ban was lifted, 63.5 metric tonne fish were produced in a single day on 1st August, 2013 which was 47.3 metric tonne more as compared to previous year produce on the same day.
Shri Bharmouri said that a team of scientists from Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute Barackpur, Calcutta would visit the State to conduct study for increasing the fish production in the State.
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