Donating Blood

Your Community Needs You to Give Blood

To the patient fighting cancer, blood means hope. To the patient with sickle cell anemia, blood means comfort. To the patient critically injured in a car accident, blood means life. Though you may never know whose lives you touch by donating blood, you can be certain that you have given them a precious gift -- the chance for another tomorrow.

Why Should I Give Blood?

Without blood donors, there would be no chances for many patients. Each year, thousands of patients lives depend on blood. The Sacramento Medical Foundation provides blood and blood components to hospitals in 17 Northern California counties, serving an area of approximately 2.8 million residents. To make sure that every patient receives the blood that he or she needs, the Blood Center must collect an average of 425 units of blood and blood components each day. Locally, less than 5 percent of those who are eligible give blood. Consequently, the lives of many people depend on the generosity of a few.

Your single blood donation may help as many as three patients. Each pint of blood can be separated into its various components -- red cells, plasma, and platelets -- and given to patients with different needs.
Blood donors touch the lives of new mothers and newborn babies, children and adults suffering from cancer or leukemia, people who need heart or transplant surgery, hemophiliacs, victims of accidents or violence, and more.

Is it Safe to Give Blood?

Absolutely! (You cannot get AIDS or any other disease through the donation process.) Nurses use a sterile, disposable needle only once for each donation and safely dispose of it after use. The only blood you are exposed to is your own.

How Much Blood Will You Take?

Each blood donation equals about one pint, which your body will not miss. By increasing your intake of fluids before and after the donation, you will be able to replenish the fluids you've given within about 24 hours.

Last Minute Reminders

  • Drink plenty of fluids and eat a good meal within four hours before giving blood.
  • Encourage a friend to give with you!

The Facts

  • Locally, less than 5 percent of the eligible population gives blood. The lives of many depend on the generosity of a few.
  • You can give whole blood as often as every 56 days (8 weeks).

Please donate blood and save precious lives !

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