Applications are invited from the eligible candidates of Himachal Pradesh on or before
11.9.2015 for training of Settlement Patwaris who will be appointed on the terms and
conditions of Govt. of Himachal Pradesh on contract basis after qualifying the examination
after successful completion of training.
During training the candidates shall be paid Rs. 3000/-P.M. as stipend. Candidates
selected from chainman shall be trained as in service employee.
1. Essential Educational Qualification
(a) Candidates should have passed 10+2 examination or its equivalent from a
recognized Board of School Education/University.
(b) The candidates appearing in sports category should be National level medal
winner or who have participated three time in National level tournament .
(c) Candidates belonging to reserved category shall have to submit proof that he
belongs to reserved category (to be attached with application form)
(d) Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and
suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
2 .Age :- Between 18 and 45 years. (Upper age limit for SC , ST & OBC will be 50
years) . Upper age limit for direct recruits will not be applicable to the candidates already in
the service including those who have been appointed on adhoc or on contract basis.
3. Number of Posts to be filled is 242
Roster wise details are given below
General Categories
General 80
General IRDP 20
G. Sports 07
G. Ex-serviceman 20
General ward of freedom fighter 03
Total 130
Schedule Caste Categories
SC 36
SC Sports -
SC Ex-serviceman 07
SC Child/ Grand Child of freedom fighter 01
Total 51
Schedule Tribe Categories
ST 13
ST Sports -
ST Ex-serviceman 03
Total 19
Other Backward class
OBC 29
OBS Sports -
OBC Ex. Serviceman 05
OBC Child/ Grand Child of freedom fighter 01
Total 42
Total posts 242
4. Candidate fulfilling above conditions may submit his/her application on the prescribed
performa as detailed below:-
1. Candidates belonging to District Shimla, Kinnaur, Sirmour, Solan & Bilaspur
shall submit their application forms to the Settlement Officer Shimla , Block
No. 39 SDA Complex , Kasumpti Shimla-9.
2. Candidates belonging to District Kangra, Hamirpur, Una, Chamba, Kullu ,
Mandi & Lahaul –Spiti shall submit their application forms to the
Settlement Officer Kangra at Dharamshala.
The following documents shall be attached with the application form :-
(a) Demand Draft of Rs.200/-for General Category Candidates and Rs.100/-for
SC/ST/OBC Candidates in favour of concerned Settlement Officers to whom
application form has been submitted.
(b) One self addressed envelop duly stamped.
6.The syllabus for examination will be of 10th (Matriculation) level containing Arithmetic,
English, Hindi and General Knowledge.
7. The prescribed application form can also be downloaded from the web-site of Revenue
Department, H.P, .i.e.,
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