Rural Development and Panchayti Raj Minister Anil Sharma disclosed this here today. He said that Kullu Zila Parishad had been elected best Zila Parishad for the fourth time and it would get Rs. 30 lakh as special prize money. Zila Parishad Hamirpur would also be awarded Rs. 30 lakh where as Panchayat Samiti Basantpur and Bhoranj would be given Rs. 20 lakh each as prize money. A sum of rupees five lakh each would be given to gram panchayats Pahlu and Kasba Paprola. These awards would be given on the occasion of Panchayat Diwas on 24th April, 2015.
The Minister said that the union ministry for Panchayati Raj had renamed Panchayat Empowerment and Accountability Incentive scheme as NPTA which aims at empowering the Panchayati Raj Institutions besides bringing improvement in there functioning.
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