What is ePDS?

Frequently Asked Questions for the common man


  1. What is ePDS?
    ePDS is a project to make the Public Distribution System better. It has three main components:
    1) Computerise the ration card database, and seed the same with Aadhaar numbers.
    2) Computerise and automate the supply chain for the PDS.
    3) Automate the distribution system at the Fair Price Shop.
  2. When would ePDS be implemented?
    It is being implemented as we speak. The first component of computerisation of ration cards is going on. The other components are being done at the government level.
  3. Why do I have to get a new ration card? I just got one from the Department!
    The ration card that you received in the past is the old ration card. We are now releasing new ration cards that are computerised, and that is in compliance of the National Food Security Act, 2013.
  4. What are the benefits of ePDS to the common man?
    There are many benefits:
    1) Getting a new ration card would be easier.
    2) Making changes to the new ration card would be easier.
  5. What are the benefits of ePDS to the government?
    There are many benefits:
    1) Duplicate ration card holders can be removed from the system – this would reduce the cost to the government for PDS.
    2) Monitoring of the ration card database would be easier.
    3) Generation of various cards of reports based on the ration card database would be easier.
    4) Integrating the ration card database to other government databases would enable the government to provide better e-services to the citizens.
  6. Why do I need ePDS?
    You need ePDS because:
    1) It is required to meet the mandate of the National Food Security Act, 2013.
    2) It is required to reduce the leakage and abuse inherent in the present PDS system.
    3) It is required to make the PDS better.
  7. What is a computerised ration card? How is it better than my previous ration card?
    The old ration card is a card issued by the local authority, and information about the card holder is retained by the issuing authority only. This makes creation or changing the details of the card cumbersome. Data relevant to the ration cards is not centralised, nor can reports based on ration cards be generated.
    The new ration card is web based. It is more transparent. Making reports and analysing the ration card database is easier. Being Aadhaar enabled, it ensures that a person can get only one ration card, and not more than one. Making changes to the card will be easier, and so will be creation of new cards.
  8. How do I get a new ration card?
    Get the blank ration card from your panchayat secretary, if you are in rural areas, or from the Fair Price Shop, if you are in urban areas. Fill it up and then submit it with panchayat secretary, or the Inspector in the urban areas. We will issue your card soon thereafter.
  9. What is National Food Security Act 2013?
    It is an Act passed by the Parliament of India. It has been implemented in our state from 1st October 2013. About 37 lacs people would be covered within the Act. Under the provisions of the Act, wheat is issued at Rs. 2 per kg, and rice at Rs. 3 per kg. Antyodaya families would receive 20 kg wheat and 15 kg rice per month, whereas individuals of other Priority Households shall receive 3 kg wheat and 2 kg rice per person per month.
  10. Why is the head of household female in the new ration card?
    Because the new National Food Security Act mandates that the ration card shall be issued in the name of the eldest woman in the household who is at least 18 years old. In case there is no woman of 18 years or older, it shall be issued in the name of male person. However, as soon as a minor girl reaches the age of 18 years, the ration card shall be issued in her name if she happens to be the eldest woman in the household at the time.
  11. Where do I get the ration card form?
    You will receive your ration card from your panchayat secretary in your panchayat. In case you are living in an urban area, you may take it from the Inspector.
  12. What documents do I need to submit with the ration card form?
    No documents are required to be submitted along with your filled up ration card. However, you need to get your filled up ration card data verified from your panchayat inspector, or Inspector of the department.
  13. By when do I have to submit the ration card forms?
    You may submit your ration card form any time before 20 January 2014.
  14. The Panchayat Secretary says forms have been exhausted. Where do I get a fresh ration card form?
    You may photocopy any existing blank form and use it. You may also download it here. PDS Ration Card Form
  15. I cannot understand some fields in the ration card form. What do I do?
    Check the reverse side of the form where instructions on all fields are given. In case you need further help, please call your panchayat inspector. You may also call the Toll Free number 1800 180 8026.
  16. I work in Shimla, but my village is in Chamba. Where do I make my ration card?
    Ration card shall be issued from the place where your family habitually resides.
  17. My Panchayat Secretary is not verifying my ration card form. What do I do?
    You may complaint to the Inspector of the department. You may also complaint on the Toll Free number 1800 180 8026.
  18. How much do I have to pay for the ration card form?
    You don’t have to pay anything for the issue of new ration card or the ration card form.
  19. When will I get the new ePDS ration card?
    The new ration card shall be issued a couple of months after you submit your filled in ration card form.
  20. What is the relation between NFSA and ePDS?
    NFSA mandates that ration cards shall be issued in the name of the eldest woman member. This requires an intelligent ration card database which does not exist at present. NFSA also mandates that all steps shall be taken to modernise the PDS system and reduce leakages from it. This also requires a modernisation program. ePDS is the answer to this.
  21. Is Aadhaar mandatory for the new ration card?
    Yes, Aadhaar is mandatory for the new ration card.
  22. I have not enrolled for Aadhaar. What do I do?
    You may immediately enroll for Aadhaar at the nearest Aadhaar enrollment centre.
  23. I have enrolled for Aadhaar, but I have not received my Aadhaar number. What do I do?
    You may find out your Aadhaar number by checking for your e-Aadhaar, or by calling us. You may also enter your Enrollment ID to register for your ration card.
  24. I have lost my Aadhaar number. What do I do?
    Please call us with your details and we shall tell you your Aadhaar number. You may also give your Aadhaar Enrollment ID instead.
  25. Why do I need to give Aadhaar number in the new ration card?
    Aadhaar is mandatory for getting the new ration card. Aadhaar enables us to ensure that there is only one ration card issued in the name of one person. This ensures that the benefits of the PDS is not diverted by people who don’t need it.
  26. Do I need to verify my data from Panchayat Pradhan or Up-pradhan?
    No, verification by panchayat secretary is good enough.

Frequently Asked Questions for Panchayat Secretaries

  1. Where do I get the forms?
    You will get forms for your panchayat from your BDO, or the Inspector of Food department.
  2. Forms have been exhausted in my panchayat. Where do I get more forms?
    In case forms have been exhausted, you may photocopy any blank ration card form and use it. You may also download it. PDS Ration Card Form
  3. How do I verify the contents in the filled up ration card forms?
    Fill it up from records available with you, and to the best of your knowledge.
  4. Where do I submit the forms?
    You may submit it with the Inspector of the department.
  5. How many forms can I submit at one time?
    You may submit when you have sufficient number of filled up forms. You may also submit the forms once all the people in your panchayat have filled up their form, after 20 January 2014.
See Also:
New Ration Card forms

Download the PDS Ration Card form


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