21,000 quintal sugar available in godowns of Civil Supplies Corporation

Food and Civil Supplies Minister G.S. Bali said here today that 21,000 quintal sugar was available in different godowns of State Civil Supplies Corporation in the State. He said that the process of procuring sugar for all the ration card holders of the State for next three months had been completed and sugar would be made available in the fair price shops/depots soon.

Bali said that the process of procuring pulses and edible oil under Food Subsidy Scheme had also been completed and all these items were being sent to the different godowns in the State.
He said that the State Government was going to launch ‘Door Delivery Scheme’ for all the ration card holders of the State to provide them foodgrains. Under the scheme, Civil Supplies Corporation would make available the foodgrains to the depots so that consumers do not face any inconvenience for getting the food items. He said that this scheme would be launched from district Kangra on pilot basis. The scheme would be beneficial for providing ration in depots in time bound manner, he added.
Shri Bali appealed to the ration card holders to ask all the depot holders to procure sugar, pulses and edible oil from godowns of the Corporation at earliest so that they could get these items in time. He said that the depot holders who would not supply these items to the consumers in time would be dealt strictly and their depot license could be cancelled.

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